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IFKD: Implicit field knowledge distillation for single view reconstruction

  • Received: 30 November 2022 Revised: 14 May 2023 Accepted: 21 May 2023 Published: 19 June 2023
  • In 3D reconstruction tasks, camera parameter matrix estimation is usually used to present the single view of an object, which is not necessary when mapping the 3D point to 2D image. The single view reconstruction task should care more about the quality of reconstruction instead of the alignment. So in this paper, we propose an implicit field knowledge distillation model (IFKD) to reconstruct 3D objects from the single view. Transformations are performed on 3D points instead of the camera and keep the camera coordinate identified with the world coordinate, so that the extrinsic matrix can be omitted. Besides, a knowledge distillation structure from 3D voxel to the feature vector is established to further refine the feature description of 3D objects. Thus, the details of a 3D model can be better captured by the proposed model. This paper adopts ShapeNet Core dataset to verify the effectiveness of the IFKD model. Experiments show that IFKD has strong advantages in IOU and other core indicators compared with the camera matrix estimation methods, which verifies the feasibility of the new proposed mapping method.

    Citation: Jianyuan Wang, Huanqiang Xu, Xinrui Hu, Biao Leng. IFKD: Implicit field knowledge distillation for single view reconstruction[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(8): 13864-13880. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023617

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  • In 3D reconstruction tasks, camera parameter matrix estimation is usually used to present the single view of an object, which is not necessary when mapping the 3D point to 2D image. The single view reconstruction task should care more about the quality of reconstruction instead of the alignment. So in this paper, we propose an implicit field knowledge distillation model (IFKD) to reconstruct 3D objects from the single view. Transformations are performed on 3D points instead of the camera and keep the camera coordinate identified with the world coordinate, so that the extrinsic matrix can be omitted. Besides, a knowledge distillation structure from 3D voxel to the feature vector is established to further refine the feature description of 3D objects. Thus, the details of a 3D model can be better captured by the proposed model. This paper adopts ShapeNet Core dataset to verify the effectiveness of the IFKD model. Experiments show that IFKD has strong advantages in IOU and other core indicators compared with the camera matrix estimation methods, which verifies the feasibility of the new proposed mapping method.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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