Research article Special Issues

Restored texture segmentation using Markov random fields

  • Received: 16 November 2022 Revised: 27 February 2023 Accepted: 07 March 2023 Published: 29 March 2023
  • Texture segmentation plays a crucial role in the domain of image analysis and its recognition. Noise is inextricably linked to images, just like it is with every signal received by sensing, which has an impact on how well the segmentation process performs in general. Recent literature reveals that the research community has started recognizing the domain of noisy texture segmentation for its work towards solutions for the automated quality inspection of objects, decision support for biomedical images, facial expressions identification, retrieving image data from a huge dataset and many others. Motivated by the latest work on noisy textures, during our work being presented here, Brodatz and Prague texture images are contaminated with Gaussian and salt-n-pepper noise. A three-phase approach is developed for the segmentation of textures contaminated by noise. In the first phase, these contaminated images are restored using techniques with excellent performance as per the recent literature. In the remaining two phases, segmentation of the restored textures is carried out by a novel technique developed using Markov Random Fields (MRF) and objective customization of the Median Filter based on segmentation performance metrics. When the proposed approach is evaluated on Brodatz textures, an improvement of up to 16% segmentation accuracy for salt-n-pepper noise with 70% noise density and 15.1% accuracy for Gaussian noise (with a variance of 50) has been made in comparison with the benchmark approaches. On Prague textures, accuracy is improved by 4.08% for Gaussian noise (with variance 10) and by 2.47% for salt-n-pepper noise with 20% noise density. The approach in the present study can be applied to a diversified class of image analysis applications spanning a wide spectrum such as satellite images, medical images, industrial inspection, geo-informatics, etc.

    Citation: Sanjaykumar Kinge, B. Sheela Rani, Mukul Sutaone. Restored texture segmentation using Markov random fields[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(6): 10063-10089. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023442

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  • Texture segmentation plays a crucial role in the domain of image analysis and its recognition. Noise is inextricably linked to images, just like it is with every signal received by sensing, which has an impact on how well the segmentation process performs in general. Recent literature reveals that the research community has started recognizing the domain of noisy texture segmentation for its work towards solutions for the automated quality inspection of objects, decision support for biomedical images, facial expressions identification, retrieving image data from a huge dataset and many others. Motivated by the latest work on noisy textures, during our work being presented here, Brodatz and Prague texture images are contaminated with Gaussian and salt-n-pepper noise. A three-phase approach is developed for the segmentation of textures contaminated by noise. In the first phase, these contaminated images are restored using techniques with excellent performance as per the recent literature. In the remaining two phases, segmentation of the restored textures is carried out by a novel technique developed using Markov Random Fields (MRF) and objective customization of the Median Filter based on segmentation performance metrics. When the proposed approach is evaluated on Brodatz textures, an improvement of up to 16% segmentation accuracy for salt-n-pepper noise with 70% noise density and 15.1% accuracy for Gaussian noise (with a variance of 50) has been made in comparison with the benchmark approaches. On Prague textures, accuracy is improved by 4.08% for Gaussian noise (with variance 10) and by 2.47% for salt-n-pepper noise with 20% noise density. The approach in the present study can be applied to a diversified class of image analysis applications spanning a wide spectrum such as satellite images, medical images, industrial inspection, geo-informatics, etc.


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