Research article

RETRACTED ARTICLE: A novel architecture design for artificial intelligence-assisted culture conservation management system

    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Retraction published on 18 September 2024, see MBE 2024, 21(9), 7102.
  • Received: 02 December 2022 Revised: 17 February 2023 Accepted: 19 February 2023 Published: 22 March 2023
  • Native culture construction has been a prevalent issue in many countries, and its integration with intelligent technologies seems promising. In this work, we take the Chinese opera as the primary research object and propose a novel architecture design for an artificial intelligence-assisted culture conservation management system. This aims to address simple process flow and monotonous management functions provided by Java Business Process Management (JBPM). This aims to address simple process flow and monotonous management functions. On this basis, the dynamic nature of process design, management, and operation is also explored. We offer process solutions that align with cloud resource management through automated process map generation and dynamic audit management mechanisms. Several software performance testing works are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed culture management system. The testing results show that the design of such an artificial intelligence-based management system can work well for multiple scenarios of culture conservation affairs. This design has a robust system architecture for the protection and management platform building of non-heritage local operas, which has specific theoretical significance and practical reference value for promoting the protection and management platform building of non-heritage local operas and promoting the transmission and dissemination of traditional culture profoundly and effectively.

    Citation: Ziqi Zhou. RETRACTED ARTICLE: A novel architecture design for artificial intelligence-assisted culture conservation management system[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(6): 9693-9711. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023425

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  • Native culture construction has been a prevalent issue in many countries, and its integration with intelligent technologies seems promising. In this work, we take the Chinese opera as the primary research object and propose a novel architecture design for an artificial intelligence-assisted culture conservation management system. This aims to address simple process flow and monotonous management functions provided by Java Business Process Management (JBPM). This aims to address simple process flow and monotonous management functions. On this basis, the dynamic nature of process design, management, and operation is also explored. We offer process solutions that align with cloud resource management through automated process map generation and dynamic audit management mechanisms. Several software performance testing works are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed culture management system. The testing results show that the design of such an artificial intelligence-based management system can work well for multiple scenarios of culture conservation affairs. This design has a robust system architecture for the protection and management platform building of non-heritage local operas, which has specific theoretical significance and practical reference value for promoting the protection and management platform building of non-heritage local operas and promoting the transmission and dissemination of traditional culture profoundly and effectively.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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