Research article Special Issues

Novel multiple criteria decision-making analysis under $ m $-polar fuzzy aggregation operators with application

  • Received: 03 September 2022 Revised: 30 October 2022 Accepted: 24 November 2022 Published: 06 December 2022
  • Aggregation is a very efficient indispensable tool in which several input values are transformed into a single output value that further supports dealing with different decision-making situations. Additionally, note that the theory of $ m $-polar fuzzy ($ m $F) sets is proposed to tackle multipolar information in decision-making problems. To date, several aggregation tools have been widely investigated to tackle multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems in an $ m $-polar fuzzy environment, including $ m $-polar fuzzy Dombi and Hamacher aggregation operators (AOs). However, the aggregation tool to deal with $ m $-polar information under Yager's operations (that is, Yager's $ t $-norm and $ t $-conorm) is missing in the literature. Due to these reasons, this study is devoted to investigating some novel averaging and geometric AOs in an $ m $F information environment through the use of Yager's operations. Our proposed AOs are named as the $ m $F Yager weighted averaging ($ m $FYWA) operator, $ m $F Yager ordered weighted averaging operator, $ m $F Yager hybrid averaging operator, $ m $F Yager weighted geometric ($ m $FYWG) operator, $ m $F Yager ordered weighted geometric operator and $ m $F Yager hybrid geometric operator. The initiated averaging and geometric AOs are explained via illustrative examples and some of their basic properties, including boundedness, monotonicity, idempotency and commutativity are also studied. Further, to deal with different MCDM situations containing $ m $F information, an innovative algorithm for MCDM is established under the under the condition of $ m $FYWA and $ m $FYWG operators. After that, a real-life application (that is, selecting a suitable site for an oil refinery) is explored under the conditions of developed AOs. Moreover, the initiated $ m $F Yager AOs are compared with existing $ m $F Hamacher and Dombi AOs through a numerical example. Finally, the effectiveness and reliability of the presented AOs are checked with the help of some existing validity tests.

    Citation: Ghous Ali, Adeel Farooq, Mohammed M. Ali Al-Shamiri. Novel multiple criteria decision-making analysis under $ m $-polar fuzzy aggregation operators with application[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 3566-3593. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023166

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  • Aggregation is a very efficient indispensable tool in which several input values are transformed into a single output value that further supports dealing with different decision-making situations. Additionally, note that the theory of $ m $-polar fuzzy ($ m $F) sets is proposed to tackle multipolar information in decision-making problems. To date, several aggregation tools have been widely investigated to tackle multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems in an $ m $-polar fuzzy environment, including $ m $-polar fuzzy Dombi and Hamacher aggregation operators (AOs). However, the aggregation tool to deal with $ m $-polar information under Yager's operations (that is, Yager's $ t $-norm and $ t $-conorm) is missing in the literature. Due to these reasons, this study is devoted to investigating some novel averaging and geometric AOs in an $ m $F information environment through the use of Yager's operations. Our proposed AOs are named as the $ m $F Yager weighted averaging ($ m $FYWA) operator, $ m $F Yager ordered weighted averaging operator, $ m $F Yager hybrid averaging operator, $ m $F Yager weighted geometric ($ m $FYWG) operator, $ m $F Yager ordered weighted geometric operator and $ m $F Yager hybrid geometric operator. The initiated averaging and geometric AOs are explained via illustrative examples and some of their basic properties, including boundedness, monotonicity, idempotency and commutativity are also studied. Further, to deal with different MCDM situations containing $ m $F information, an innovative algorithm for MCDM is established under the under the condition of $ m $FYWA and $ m $FYWG operators. After that, a real-life application (that is, selecting a suitable site for an oil refinery) is explored under the conditions of developed AOs. Moreover, the initiated $ m $F Yager AOs are compared with existing $ m $F Hamacher and Dombi AOs through a numerical example. Finally, the effectiveness and reliability of the presented AOs are checked with the help of some existing validity tests.


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