Research article Special Issues

Comparative study of vertex-edge based indices for semi-capped carbon nanotubes

  • Received: 24 May 2022 Revised: 22 July 2022 Accepted: 25 July 2022 Published: 23 August 2022
  • Manufacturing relatively inexpensive items in every area of engineering and science is the major focus of exploration resultant the world's contemporary economic setback. Making small-sized items that are inexpensive and lightweight while providing high quality is critical in today's and tomorrow's worlds. Nanotechnology has a significant role to play in this situation. Nano-objects or, in general, nanomaterials are especially preferred; nanotubes, especially those comprised of carbon, are one of the most popular types of nanostructures, and they are applied in a variety of chemical, biological and technical applications. This notion prompted us to investigate their many physical and chemical characteristics. We utilized topological descriptors to evaluate diverse nanotube structures such as armchair carbon and semi-capped nanotubes by using vertex-edge based indices to characterize distinct chemical structures via numerical quantitative analysis. Furthermore, we examined uncapped and semi-capped armchair carbon nanotubes and achieved adequate comparative findings.

    Citation: Qingqun Huang, Ali Ahmad, Muhammad Kamran Jamil, Ricai Luo, Muhammad Azeem. Comparative study of vertex-edge based indices for semi-capped carbon nanotubes[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(12): 12303-12315. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022573

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  • Manufacturing relatively inexpensive items in every area of engineering and science is the major focus of exploration resultant the world's contemporary economic setback. Making small-sized items that are inexpensive and lightweight while providing high quality is critical in today's and tomorrow's worlds. Nanotechnology has a significant role to play in this situation. Nano-objects or, in general, nanomaterials are especially preferred; nanotubes, especially those comprised of carbon, are one of the most popular types of nanostructures, and they are applied in a variety of chemical, biological and technical applications. This notion prompted us to investigate their many physical and chemical characteristics. We utilized topological descriptors to evaluate diverse nanotube structures such as armchair carbon and semi-capped nanotubes by using vertex-edge based indices to characterize distinct chemical structures via numerical quantitative analysis. Furthermore, we examined uncapped and semi-capped armchair carbon nanotubes and achieved adequate comparative findings.


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