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An autonomous agent for negotiation with multiple communication channels using parametrized deep Q-network

  • *This article is a substantially extended version of our paper [1] presented at the IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2021). The extension concerns both the description and evaluation of the agent. As regards the description, all relevant aspects of our approach are shown in detail. As regards the evaluation, the experimental technicalities including negotiating opponents have been extended significantly. Moreover, a user study is conducted to evaluate how human players like the MCAN agent using the evaluation metric of [2] and a high human perception evaluation is reported based on a user study. Furthermore, a comparative analysis shows how the P-DQN algorithm promotes the performance of the MCAN agent.
  • Received: 29 November 2021 Revised: 01 April 2022 Accepted: 01 April 2022 Published: 27 May 2022
  • Agent-based negotiation aims at automating the negotiation process on behalf of humans to save time and effort. While successful, the current research considers communication between negotiation agents through offer exchange. In addition to the simple manner, many real-world settings tend to involve linguistic channels with which negotiators can express intentions, ask questions, and discuss plans. The information bandwidth of traditional negotiation is therefore restricted and grounded in the action space. Against this background, a negotiation agent called MCAN (multiple channel automated negotiation) is described that models the negotiation with multiple communication channels problem as a Markov decision problem with a hybrid action space. The agent employs a novel deep reinforcement learning technique to generate an efficient strategy, which can interact with different opponents, i.e., other negotiation agents or human players. Specifically, the agent leverages parametrized deep Q-networks (P-DQNs) that provides solutions for a hybrid discrete-continuous action space, thereby learning a comprehensive negotiation strategy that integrates linguistic communication skills and bidding strategies. The extensive experimental results show that the MCAN agent outperforms other agents as well as human players in terms of averaged utility. A high human perception evaluation is also reported based on a user study. Moreover, a comparative experiment shows how the P-DQNs algorithm promotes the performance of the MCAN agent.

    Citation: Siqi Chen, Ran Su. An autonomous agent for negotiation with multiple communication channels using parametrized deep Q-network[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(8): 7933-7951. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022371

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  • Agent-based negotiation aims at automating the negotiation process on behalf of humans to save time and effort. While successful, the current research considers communication between negotiation agents through offer exchange. In addition to the simple manner, many real-world settings tend to involve linguistic channels with which negotiators can express intentions, ask questions, and discuss plans. The information bandwidth of traditional negotiation is therefore restricted and grounded in the action space. Against this background, a negotiation agent called MCAN (multiple channel automated negotiation) is described that models the negotiation with multiple communication channels problem as a Markov decision problem with a hybrid action space. The agent employs a novel deep reinforcement learning technique to generate an efficient strategy, which can interact with different opponents, i.e., other negotiation agents or human players. Specifically, the agent leverages parametrized deep Q-networks (P-DQNs) that provides solutions for a hybrid discrete-continuous action space, thereby learning a comprehensive negotiation strategy that integrates linguistic communication skills and bidding strategies. The extensive experimental results show that the MCAN agent outperforms other agents as well as human players in terms of averaged utility. A high human perception evaluation is also reported based on a user study. Moreover, a comparative experiment shows how the P-DQNs algorithm promotes the performance of the MCAN agent.


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