Research article

Automated knowledge-assisted mitosis cells detection framework in breast histopathology images

  • academic editor: Xinfeng Liu
  • Received: 15 October 2021 Accepted: 08 December 2021 Published: 15 December 2021
  • Based on the Nottingham Histopathology Grading (NHG) system, mitosis cells detection is one of the important criteria to determine the grade of breast carcinoma. Mitosis cells detection is a challenging task due to the heterogeneous microenvironment of breast histopathology images. Recognition of complex and inconsistent objects in the medical images could be achieved by incorporating domain knowledge in the field of interest. In this study, the strategies of the histopathologist and domain knowledge approach were used to guide the development of the image processing framework for automated mitosis cells detection in breast histopathology images. The detection framework starts with color normalization and hyperchromatic nucleus segmentation. Then, a knowledge-assisted false positive reduction method is proposed to eliminate the false positive (i.e., non-mitosis cells). This stage aims to minimize the percentage of false positive and thus increase the F1-score. Next, features extraction was performed. The mitosis candidates were classified using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. For evaluation purposes, the knowledge-assisted detection framework was tested using two datasets: a custom dataset and a publicly available dataset (i.e., MITOS dataset). The proposed knowledge-assisted false positive reduction method was found promising by eliminating at least 87.1% of false positive in both the dataset producing promising results in the F1-score. Experimental results demonstrate that the knowledge-assisted detection framework can achieve promising results in F1-score (custom dataset: 89.1%; MITOS dataset: 88.9%) and outperforms the recent works.

    Citation: Xiao Jian Tan, Nazahah Mustafa, Mohd Yusoff Mashor, Khairul Shakir Ab Rahman. Automated knowledge-assisted mitosis cells detection framework in breast histopathology images[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(2): 1721-1745. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022081

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  • Based on the Nottingham Histopathology Grading (NHG) system, mitosis cells detection is one of the important criteria to determine the grade of breast carcinoma. Mitosis cells detection is a challenging task due to the heterogeneous microenvironment of breast histopathology images. Recognition of complex and inconsistent objects in the medical images could be achieved by incorporating domain knowledge in the field of interest. In this study, the strategies of the histopathologist and domain knowledge approach were used to guide the development of the image processing framework for automated mitosis cells detection in breast histopathology images. The detection framework starts with color normalization and hyperchromatic nucleus segmentation. Then, a knowledge-assisted false positive reduction method is proposed to eliminate the false positive (i.e., non-mitosis cells). This stage aims to minimize the percentage of false positive and thus increase the F1-score. Next, features extraction was performed. The mitosis candidates were classified using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. For evaluation purposes, the knowledge-assisted detection framework was tested using two datasets: a custom dataset and a publicly available dataset (i.e., MITOS dataset). The proposed knowledge-assisted false positive reduction method was found promising by eliminating at least 87.1% of false positive in both the dataset producing promising results in the F1-score. Experimental results demonstrate that the knowledge-assisted detection framework can achieve promising results in F1-score (custom dataset: 89.1%; MITOS dataset: 88.9%) and outperforms the recent works.


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