Research article Special Issues

Parallel label propagation algorithm based on weight and random walk

  • Received: 03 November 2020 Accepted: 13 January 2021 Published: 02 February 2021
  • Community detection is a complex and meaningful process, which plays an important role in studying the characteristics of complex networks. In recent years, the discovery and analysis of community structures in complex networks has attracted the attention of many scholars, and many community discovery algorithms have been proposed. Many existing algorithms are only suitable for small-scale data, not for large-scale data, so it is necessary to establish a stable and efficient label propagation algorithm to deal with massive data and complex social networks. In this paper, we propose a novel label propagation algorithm, called WRWPLPA (Parallel Label Propagation Algorithm based on Weight and Random Walk). WRWPLPA proposes a new similarity calculation method combining weights and random walks. It uses weights and similarities to update labels in the process of label propagation, improving the accuracy and stability of community detection. First, weight is calculated by combining the neighborhood index and the position index, and the weight is used to distinguish the importance of the nodes in the network. Then, use random walk strategy to describe the similarity between nodes, and the label of nodes are updated by combining the weight and similarity. Finally, parallel propagation is comprehensively proposed to utilize label probability efficiently. Experiment results on artificial network datasets and real network datasets show that our algorithm has improved accuracy and stability compared with other label propagation algorithms.

    Citation: Meili Tang, Qian Pan, Yurong Qian, Yuan Tian, Najla Al-Nabhan, Xin Wang. Parallel label propagation algorithm based on weight and random walk[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(2): 1609-1628. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021083

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  • Community detection is a complex and meaningful process, which plays an important role in studying the characteristics of complex networks. In recent years, the discovery and analysis of community structures in complex networks has attracted the attention of many scholars, and many community discovery algorithms have been proposed. Many existing algorithms are only suitable for small-scale data, not for large-scale data, so it is necessary to establish a stable and efficient label propagation algorithm to deal with massive data and complex social networks. In this paper, we propose a novel label propagation algorithm, called WRWPLPA (Parallel Label Propagation Algorithm based on Weight and Random Walk). WRWPLPA proposes a new similarity calculation method combining weights and random walks. It uses weights and similarities to update labels in the process of label propagation, improving the accuracy and stability of community detection. First, weight is calculated by combining the neighborhood index and the position index, and the weight is used to distinguish the importance of the nodes in the network. Then, use random walk strategy to describe the similarity between nodes, and the label of nodes are updated by combining the weight and similarity. Finally, parallel propagation is comprehensively proposed to utilize label probability efficiently. Experiment results on artificial network datasets and real network datasets show that our algorithm has improved accuracy and stability compared with other label propagation algorithms.


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