Research article Special Issues

Image processing effects on the deep face recognition system

  • Received: 09 September 2020 Accepted: 03 January 2021 Published: 13 January 2021
  • Face recognition technology has become an important quantitative examination method in the field of forensic identification of human images. However, face image quality affects the recognition performance of face recognition systems. Existing research on the effects of face image denoising and enhancement methods on the face recognition performance are typically based on facial images with manually synthesized noises rather than the noises under natural environmental corruption, and their studied face recognition techniques are limited on the traditional face recognition algorithms rather than state-of-the-art convolutional neural network based face recognition methods. In this work, face image materials from 33 real cases in forensic identification of human images were collected for quantitative analysis of the effects of face image denoising and enhancement methods on the deep face recognition performance of the MXNet system architecture based face recognition system. The results show that face image quality has a significant effect on the recognition performance of the face recognition system, and the image processing techniques can enhance the quality of face images, and then improve the recognition precision of the face recognition system. In addition, the effects of the Gaussian filtering are better than the self-snake model based image enhancement method, which indicates that the image denoising methods are more suitable for performance improvement of the deep face recognition system rather than the image enhancement techniques under the application of the practical cases.

    Citation: Jinhua Zeng, Xiulian Qiu, Shaopei Shi. Image processing effects on the deep face recognition system[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(2): 1187-1200. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021064

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  • Face recognition technology has become an important quantitative examination method in the field of forensic identification of human images. However, face image quality affects the recognition performance of face recognition systems. Existing research on the effects of face image denoising and enhancement methods on the face recognition performance are typically based on facial images with manually synthesized noises rather than the noises under natural environmental corruption, and their studied face recognition techniques are limited on the traditional face recognition algorithms rather than state-of-the-art convolutional neural network based face recognition methods. In this work, face image materials from 33 real cases in forensic identification of human images were collected for quantitative analysis of the effects of face image denoising and enhancement methods on the deep face recognition performance of the MXNet system architecture based face recognition system. The results show that face image quality has a significant effect on the recognition performance of the face recognition system, and the image processing techniques can enhance the quality of face images, and then improve the recognition precision of the face recognition system. In addition, the effects of the Gaussian filtering are better than the self-snake model based image enhancement method, which indicates that the image denoising methods are more suitable for performance improvement of the deep face recognition system rather than the image enhancement techniques under the application of the practical cases.


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