Research article

A self-adaptive viscosity-type inertial algorithm for common solutions of generalized split variational inclusion and paramonotone equilibrium problem

  • Received: 19 November 2024 Revised: 18 February 2025 Accepted: 21 February 2025 Published: 28 February 2025
  • MSC : 90C33, 49J52

  • In this paper, we aimed to consider the common elements of the generalized split variational inclusion and paramonotone equilibrium problem in real Hilbert spaces. Based on the self-adaptive method, a self-adaptive viscosity-type inertial algorithm to solve the problem under consideration was introduced and the inertial technique was used to accelerate the convergence rate of the method. Under the assumption of generalized monotonicity of the related mappings, the strong convergence of the iterative algorithm was established. The results presented here improve and generalize many results in this area.

    Citation: Yali Zhao, Qixin Dong, Xiaoqing Huang. A self-adaptive viscosity-type inertial algorithm for common solutions of generalized split variational inclusion and paramonotone equilibrium problem[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(2): 4504-4523. doi: 10.3934/math.2025208

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  • In this paper, we aimed to consider the common elements of the generalized split variational inclusion and paramonotone equilibrium problem in real Hilbert spaces. Based on the self-adaptive method, a self-adaptive viscosity-type inertial algorithm to solve the problem under consideration was introduced and the inertial technique was used to accelerate the convergence rate of the method. Under the assumption of generalized monotonicity of the related mappings, the strong convergence of the iterative algorithm was established. The results presented here improve and generalize many results in this area.


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