Research article Special Issues

Enhancing healthcare security measures in IoTT applications through a Hesitant Fuzzy-Based integrated approach

  • Received: 29 January 2024 Revised: 10 February 2024 Accepted: 21 February 2024 Published: 05 March 2024
  • MSC : 03B52, 94D05, 94D10

  • Due to their impact on transportation, Internet of Transportation Things (IoTT) devices have garnered attention recently. Their most notable use is in healthcare, where transportation has been significantly influenced by Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, threats to infrastructure integrity, medical equipment vulnerabilities, encryption, data integrity threats, and various other security issues make these devices particularly vulnerable. They transmit a considerable amount of sensitive data via sensors and actuators. Given their susceptibility to various attacks, securing the application security of IoTT is crucial. Consequently, IoTT device-based applications must undergo thorough security screening before integration into the healthcare network. Additionally, the authentication technique employed must be robust and reliable. IoTT device evaluation should be impartial and take into account security risk issues. This study proposes an evaluation approach for IoTT devices that utilizes key security risk factors to ensure reliable and secure authentication. Employing hybrid multicriteria decision-making, the suggested strategy evaluates authentication features to select the optimal hospital information system. The hesitant fuzzy analytic hierarchy process-technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (Hesitant Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS) method is used to systematically examine security risks in a real-time case study with seven alternatives. Results indicate that mediXcel electronic medical records are the most viable, while the Caresoft hospital information system is the least viable, providing valuable insights for future studies and IoTT application professionals. This research addresses security issues to enhance patient data integrity and privacy, facilitating the seamless integration of IoTT applications into healthcare, particularly in emergency healthcare.

    Citation: Waeal J. Obidallah. Enhancing healthcare security measures in IoTT applications through a Hesitant Fuzzy-Based integrated approach[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(4): 9020-9048. doi: 10.3934/math.2024439

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  • Due to their impact on transportation, Internet of Transportation Things (IoTT) devices have garnered attention recently. Their most notable use is in healthcare, where transportation has been significantly influenced by Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, threats to infrastructure integrity, medical equipment vulnerabilities, encryption, data integrity threats, and various other security issues make these devices particularly vulnerable. They transmit a considerable amount of sensitive data via sensors and actuators. Given their susceptibility to various attacks, securing the application security of IoTT is crucial. Consequently, IoTT device-based applications must undergo thorough security screening before integration into the healthcare network. Additionally, the authentication technique employed must be robust and reliable. IoTT device evaluation should be impartial and take into account security risk issues. This study proposes an evaluation approach for IoTT devices that utilizes key security risk factors to ensure reliable and secure authentication. Employing hybrid multicriteria decision-making, the suggested strategy evaluates authentication features to select the optimal hospital information system. The hesitant fuzzy analytic hierarchy process-technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (Hesitant Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS) method is used to systematically examine security risks in a real-time case study with seven alternatives. Results indicate that mediXcel electronic medical records are the most viable, while the Caresoft hospital information system is the least viable, providing valuable insights for future studies and IoTT application professionals. This research addresses security issues to enhance patient data integrity and privacy, facilitating the seamless integration of IoTT applications into healthcare, particularly in emergency healthcare.


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