Research article

Intuitionistic fuzzy-based TOPSIS method for multi-criterion optimization problem: a novel compromise methodology

  • Received: 16 February 2023 Revised: 24 April 2023 Accepted: 25 April 2023 Published: 15 May 2023
  • MSC : 03E72, 08A72, 54A40

  • The decision-making process is characterized by some doubt or hesitation due to the existence of uncertainty among some objectives or criteria. In this sense, it is quite difficult for decision maker(s) to reach the precise/exact solutions for these objectives. In this study, a novel approach based on integrating the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) with the intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS), named TOPSIS-IFS, for solving a multi-criterion optimization problem (MCOP) is proposed. In this context, the TOPSIS-IFS operates with two phases to reach the best compromise solution (BCS). First, the TOPSIS approach aims to characterize the conflicting natures among objectives by reducing these objectives into only two objectives. Second, IFS is incorporated to obtain the solution model under the concept of indeterminacy degree by defining two membership functions for each objective (i.e., satisfaction degree, dissatisfaction degree). The IFS can provide an effective framework that reflects the reality contained in any decision-making process. The proposed TOPSIS-IFS approach is validated by carrying out an illustrative example. The obtained solution by the approach is superior to those existing in the literature. Also, the TOPSIS-IFS approach has been investigated through solving the multi-objective transportation problem (MOTP) as a practical problem. Furthermore, impacts of IFS parameters are analyzed based on Taguchi method to demonstrate their effects on the BCS. Finally, this integration depicts a new philosophy in the mathematical programming field due to its interesting principles.

    Citation: Ya Qin, Rizk M. Rizk-Allah, Harish Garg, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Václav Snášel. Intuitionistic fuzzy-based TOPSIS method for multi-criterion optimization problem: a novel compromise methodology[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(7): 16825-16845. doi: 10.3934/math.2023860

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  • The decision-making process is characterized by some doubt or hesitation due to the existence of uncertainty among some objectives or criteria. In this sense, it is quite difficult for decision maker(s) to reach the precise/exact solutions for these objectives. In this study, a novel approach based on integrating the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) with the intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS), named TOPSIS-IFS, for solving a multi-criterion optimization problem (MCOP) is proposed. In this context, the TOPSIS-IFS operates with two phases to reach the best compromise solution (BCS). First, the TOPSIS approach aims to characterize the conflicting natures among objectives by reducing these objectives into only two objectives. Second, IFS is incorporated to obtain the solution model under the concept of indeterminacy degree by defining two membership functions for each objective (i.e., satisfaction degree, dissatisfaction degree). The IFS can provide an effective framework that reflects the reality contained in any decision-making process. The proposed TOPSIS-IFS approach is validated by carrying out an illustrative example. The obtained solution by the approach is superior to those existing in the literature. Also, the TOPSIS-IFS approach has been investigated through solving the multi-objective transportation problem (MOTP) as a practical problem. Furthermore, impacts of IFS parameters are analyzed based on Taguchi method to demonstrate their effects on the BCS. Finally, this integration depicts a new philosophy in the mathematical programming field due to its interesting principles.


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