Research article

A new modified iterative scheme for finding common fixed points in Banach spaces: application in variational inequality problems

  • Received: 30 October 2022 Revised: 11 December 2022 Accepted: 19 December 2022 Published: 28 December 2022
  • MSC : 47H09, 47H10

  • This paper reports a modified F-iterative process for finding the fixed points of three generalized $ \alpha $-nonexpansive mappings. We assume certain assumptions to establish the weak and strong convergence of the scheme in the context of a Banach space. We suggest a numerical example of generalized $ \alpha $-nonexpansive mappings which exceeds, properly, the category of functions furnished with a condition (C). After that, we show that our modified F-iterative scheme of this example converges to a common fixed point of three generalized $ \alpha $-nonexpansive mappings. As an application of our main findings, we suggest a new projection-type iterative scheme to solve variational inequality problems in the setting of generalized $ \alpha $-nonexpansive mappings. The main finding of the paper is new and extends many known results of the literature.

    Citation: Shahram Rezapour, Maryam Iqbal, Afshan Batool, Sina Etemad, Thongchai Botmart. A new modified iterative scheme for finding common fixed points in Banach spaces: application in variational inequality problems[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(3): 5980-5997. doi: 10.3934/math.2023301

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  • This paper reports a modified F-iterative process for finding the fixed points of three generalized $ \alpha $-nonexpansive mappings. We assume certain assumptions to establish the weak and strong convergence of the scheme in the context of a Banach space. We suggest a numerical example of generalized $ \alpha $-nonexpansive mappings which exceeds, properly, the category of functions furnished with a condition (C). After that, we show that our modified F-iterative scheme of this example converges to a common fixed point of three generalized $ \alpha $-nonexpansive mappings. As an application of our main findings, we suggest a new projection-type iterative scheme to solve variational inequality problems in the setting of generalized $ \alpha $-nonexpansive mappings. The main finding of the paper is new and extends many known results of the literature.


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