Research article Special Issues

Global existence and regularity for the dynamics of viscous oriented fluids

  • Received: 22 July 2019 Accepted: 10 October 2019 Published: 18 October 2019
  • MSC : 35L65, 74N15, 76D03, 76D05

  • We prove global existence of weak solutions to regularized versions of balance equations representing the dynamics over a torus of complex fluids, with microstructure described by a vector field taking values in the unit ball. Regularization is offered by the presence of second-neighbor microstructural interactions and our choice of filtering the balance of macroscopic momentum by inverse Helmholtz operator with unit length scale.

    Citation: Luca Bisconti, Paolo Maria Mariano. Global existence and regularity for the dynamics of viscous oriented fluids[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(1): 79-95. doi: 10.3934/math.2020006

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