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Experimental and numerical study to minimize the residual stresses in welding of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy

  • Received: 05 January 2021 Accepted: 12 April 2021 Published: 28 April 2021
  • One of the most important negative consequence in the fusion welding processes is the generation of tensile residual stresses in welded joints. The main goals of this work are to determine the optimal combination of welding parameters to minimize the residual stress level and the influence of each welding parameter in that feature to weld 6082-T6 aluminum alloy plates using the GMAW welding process. To achieve these goals was implemented the Taguchi orthogonal array (L27) to define the design of numerical and experimental tests. All combinations were simulated in the Simufactwelding 6.0 software, from which it was possible to obtain the values of maximum residual stresses. The data treatment was carried out, reaching the combination of levels for each parameter. With ANOVA analysis was found that the parameter with the greatest influence in the residual stress generation was the welding speed, while the parameter with the least influence was the torch angle. Also, to minimize the residual stresses it was observed that the optimal combination of welding parameters is welding current intensity of 202 A, welding speed of 10 mm/s, and 30° of inclination of the angular torch. The two simulations that resulted in the highest and lowest residual stresses were validated experimentally by the hole drilling method to measure the residual stresses.

    Citation: Sharlane Costa, Maria S. Souza, Manuel B. César, José Gonçalves, João E. Ribeiro. Experimental and numerical study to minimize the residual stresses in welding of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2021, 8(2): 271-282. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2021018

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  • One of the most important negative consequence in the fusion welding processes is the generation of tensile residual stresses in welded joints. The main goals of this work are to determine the optimal combination of welding parameters to minimize the residual stress level and the influence of each welding parameter in that feature to weld 6082-T6 aluminum alloy plates using the GMAW welding process. To achieve these goals was implemented the Taguchi orthogonal array (L27) to define the design of numerical and experimental tests. All combinations were simulated in the Simufactwelding 6.0 software, from which it was possible to obtain the values of maximum residual stresses. The data treatment was carried out, reaching the combination of levels for each parameter. With ANOVA analysis was found that the parameter with the greatest influence in the residual stress generation was the welding speed, while the parameter with the least influence was the torch angle. Also, to minimize the residual stresses it was observed that the optimal combination of welding parameters is welding current intensity of 202 A, welding speed of 10 mm/s, and 30° of inclination of the angular torch. The two simulations that resulted in the highest and lowest residual stresses were validated experimentally by the hole drilling method to measure the residual stresses.


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