Research article

Geoethics and dimensions of vulnerability in Central Africa: the case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Received: 09 August 2021 Accepted: 25 August 2021 Published: 31 August 2021
  • This article aims to analyse the dimensions of vulnerability in the complex territorial ecosystem of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, considering some substantial geoethical considerations and guidelines, usefull for the resolution of crisis situation. A thematic analysis was carried out on a gathering of secondary data and testimonies. Specifically, the paper will examine the modalities by which the mitigation process of the various vulnerabilities can be realized if implemented in synergy with some geoethical key points. This could contribute to the disaster risk reduction in DRC. Therefore, this paper will ascertain how the promotion of an environmental and ethical responsibility cannot be ignored in the future. It must be recognized that social, physical, environmental, economic, cultural, institutional vulnerabilities are interwined and interdependent. So, for their resolution, an integrated and multidisciplinary approach and the adoption of strategies shared by all the national and international stakeholders and policy makers are required.

    Citation: Francesco De Pascale. Geoethics and dimensions of vulnerability in Central Africa: the case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2021, 7(3): 440-456. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2021025

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  • This article aims to analyse the dimensions of vulnerability in the complex territorial ecosystem of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, considering some substantial geoethical considerations and guidelines, usefull for the resolution of crisis situation. A thematic analysis was carried out on a gathering of secondary data and testimonies. Specifically, the paper will examine the modalities by which the mitigation process of the various vulnerabilities can be realized if implemented in synergy with some geoethical key points. This could contribute to the disaster risk reduction in DRC. Therefore, this paper will ascertain how the promotion of an environmental and ethical responsibility cannot be ignored in the future. It must be recognized that social, physical, environmental, economic, cultural, institutional vulnerabilities are interwined and interdependent. So, for their resolution, an integrated and multidisciplinary approach and the adoption of strategies shared by all the national and international stakeholders and policy makers are required.


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