In this review, we describe recent developments and strategies involved in the utilization of solid supports for the management of wastewater by means of biological treatments. The origin of wastewater determines whether it is considered natural or industrial waste, and the source(s) singly or collectively contribute to increase water pollution. Pollution is a threat to aquatic and humans; thus, before the discharge of treated waters back into the environment, wastewater is put through a number of treatment processes to ensure its safety for human use. Biological treatment or bioremediation has become increasingly popular due to its positive impact on the ecosystem, high level of productivity, and process application cost-effectiveness. Bioremediation involving the use of microbial cell immobilization has demonstrated enhanced effectiveness compared to free cells. This constitutes a significant departure from traditional bioremediation practices (entrapment, adsorption, encapsulation), in addition to its ability to engage in covalent bonding and cross-linking. Thus, we took a comparative look at the existing and emerging immobilization methods and the related challenges, focusing on the future. Furthermore, our work stands out by highlighting emerging state-of-the-art tools that are bioinspired [enzymes, reactive permeable barriers linked to electrokinetic, magnetic cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs), bio-coated films, microbiocenosis], as well as the use of nanosized biochar and engineered cells or their bioproducts targeted at enhancing the removal efficiency of metals, carbonates, organic matter, and other toxicants and pollutants. The potential integration of 'omics' technologies for enhancing and revealing new insights into bioremediation via cell immobilization is also discussed.
Citation: Frank Abimbola Ogundolie, Olorunfemi Oyewole Babalola, Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Christiana Eleojo Aruwa, Jacqueline Njikam Manjia, Taoheed Kolawole Muftaudeen. A review on bioremediation by microbial immobilization-an effective alternative for wastewater treatment[J]. AIMS Environmental Science, 2024, 11(6): 918-939. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2024046
In this review, we describe recent developments and strategies involved in the utilization of solid supports for the management of wastewater by means of biological treatments. The origin of wastewater determines whether it is considered natural or industrial waste, and the source(s) singly or collectively contribute to increase water pollution. Pollution is a threat to aquatic and humans; thus, before the discharge of treated waters back into the environment, wastewater is put through a number of treatment processes to ensure its safety for human use. Biological treatment or bioremediation has become increasingly popular due to its positive impact on the ecosystem, high level of productivity, and process application cost-effectiveness. Bioremediation involving the use of microbial cell immobilization has demonstrated enhanced effectiveness compared to free cells. This constitutes a significant departure from traditional bioremediation practices (entrapment, adsorption, encapsulation), in addition to its ability to engage in covalent bonding and cross-linking. Thus, we took a comparative look at the existing and emerging immobilization methods and the related challenges, focusing on the future. Furthermore, our work stands out by highlighting emerging state-of-the-art tools that are bioinspired [enzymes, reactive permeable barriers linked to electrokinetic, magnetic cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs), bio-coated films, microbiocenosis], as well as the use of nanosized biochar and engineered cells or their bioproducts targeted at enhancing the removal efficiency of metals, carbonates, organic matter, and other toxicants and pollutants. The potential integration of 'omics' technologies for enhancing and revealing new insights into bioremediation via cell immobilization is also discussed.
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