Research article

E-commerce user's intention to switch toward drone delivery innovation: The role of environmental concern and customers' attitude

  • Received: 22 June 2024 Revised: 01 September 2024 Accepted: 25 September 2024 Published: 30 September 2024
  • Environmental concern is a determinant in acquiring new green innovation. We aimed to investigate the relationship between environmental concern, consumer attitude, and behavioral intention to switch in the context of drone delivery. The motivation that comes from a green perspective is believed to create a behavior that is also keen on innovative green products. One of the examples is the implementation of drones in delivering parcels, which is believed to cut the carbon footprint. Our purpose was to analyze the direct impact of environmental concern on consumers' behavioral intentions regarding e-commerce drone delivery. Additionally, we aimed to examine the mediating role of consumers' attitudes toward innovation in the relationship between environmental concern and behavioral intention. We sought to provide insights into how environmental awareness and the adoption of innovative delivery technologies like drones can influence consumer behavior, contributing to more sustainable and eco-friendly e-commerce practices. Structured questionnaires were provided to e-commerce users, reliability and validity tests were confirmed, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the relationships among variables. The results of the SEM analysis proved that environmental concern and consumer attitudes have a positive impact on behavioral intention. Customer attitude mediates the relationship between environmental concern and behavioral intention. This research provides a deeper understanding of how environmental concerns influence consumer behavior towards drone delivery innovation within the e-commerce sector. The implications integrate environmental concerns with consumer behavior and innovation adoption, providing a comprehensive view that goes beyond traditional marketing and consumer research.

    Citation: Veronica Veronica, Muhtosim Arief, Asnan Furinto, Lim Sanny. E-commerce user's intention to switch toward drone delivery innovation: The role of environmental concern and customers' attitude[J]. AIMS Environmental Science, 2024, 11(5): 847-865. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2024042

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  • Environmental concern is a determinant in acquiring new green innovation. We aimed to investigate the relationship between environmental concern, consumer attitude, and behavioral intention to switch in the context of drone delivery. The motivation that comes from a green perspective is believed to create a behavior that is also keen on innovative green products. One of the examples is the implementation of drones in delivering parcels, which is believed to cut the carbon footprint. Our purpose was to analyze the direct impact of environmental concern on consumers' behavioral intentions regarding e-commerce drone delivery. Additionally, we aimed to examine the mediating role of consumers' attitudes toward innovation in the relationship between environmental concern and behavioral intention. We sought to provide insights into how environmental awareness and the adoption of innovative delivery technologies like drones can influence consumer behavior, contributing to more sustainable and eco-friendly e-commerce practices. Structured questionnaires were provided to e-commerce users, reliability and validity tests were confirmed, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the relationships among variables. The results of the SEM analysis proved that environmental concern and consumer attitudes have a positive impact on behavioral intention. Customer attitude mediates the relationship between environmental concern and behavioral intention. This research provides a deeper understanding of how environmental concerns influence consumer behavior towards drone delivery innovation within the e-commerce sector. The implications integrate environmental concerns with consumer behavior and innovation adoption, providing a comprehensive view that goes beyond traditional marketing and consumer research.


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