Research article Special Issues

The impacts of multi-stakeholders collaboration on management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria

  • Received: 25 September 2022 Revised: 03 December 2022 Accepted: 19 December 2022 Published: 09 January 2023
  • Pipeline disasters have caused large losses to Nigeria in terms of economic, ecological, and human lives. A single incident can have devastating consequences for the environment, individuals, and communities. Research to date has recommended the significance of stakeholders, collaboration in overseeing these issues. This study examines the impacts of multi- stakeholders, collaboration on the management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria, adopting the use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The benefits of stakeholders, collaboration in the context of this study include but are not limited to: better information/intelligence sharing; improved decision-making; enhanced coordinated and timely intervention; improved response. The challenges associated with collaboration are: conflicts in shared responsibilities; inadequate resources; inadequate enforcement of environmental laws and guidelines; and inefficient communication systems. The goals of the collaborative pact will be effectively achieved if these challenges are properly addressed. This study recommends a framework for multi-stakeholders collaboration toward effective and efficient management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria.

    Citation: Francis I. Johnson, Richard Laing, Bassam Bjeirmi, Marianthi Leon. The impacts of multi-stakeholders collaboration on management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria[J]. AIMS Environmental Science, 2023, 10(1): 93-124. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2023006

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  • Pipeline disasters have caused large losses to Nigeria in terms of economic, ecological, and human lives. A single incident can have devastating consequences for the environment, individuals, and communities. Research to date has recommended the significance of stakeholders, collaboration in overseeing these issues. This study examines the impacts of multi- stakeholders, collaboration on the management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria, adopting the use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The benefits of stakeholders, collaboration in the context of this study include but are not limited to: better information/intelligence sharing; improved decision-making; enhanced coordinated and timely intervention; improved response. The challenges associated with collaboration are: conflicts in shared responsibilities; inadequate resources; inadequate enforcement of environmental laws and guidelines; and inefficient communication systems. The goals of the collaborative pact will be effectively achieved if these challenges are properly addressed. This study recommends a framework for multi-stakeholders collaboration toward effective and efficient management and mitigation of oil pipeline disasters in Nigeria.


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