Review Special Issues

Design and protection of microgrid clusters: A comprehensive review

  • Received: 18 January 2022 Revised: 04 May 2022 Accepted: 09 May 2022 Published: 23 May 2022
  • A microgrid is a concept that has been developed with the increasing penetration of distributed generators. With the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources in the microgrids, along with advanced control and communication technologies, the traditional microgrid concept is being transited towards the concept of microgrid clustering. It decomposes the distribution system into several interconnected microgrids, effectively reducing problems such as voltage rise, harmonics, poor power factor, reverse power flow and failure of the conventional protection schemes. Microgrid clusters effectively coordinate power sharing among microgrids and the main grid, improving the stability, reliability and efficiency of the distribution network at the consumption premises. Despite the evident benefits of microgrid clusters to the consumers and the electrical utility, there are challenges to overcome before adopting the microgrid cluster concept. This paper is aimed at critically reviewing the challenges in design aspects of microgrid clustering. Categorization of multi-microgrids into different architectures based on the layout of the interconnections, evaluation of reported control techniques in microgrid clustering and multi-microgrid protection aspects are presented, highlighting the possible areas of future research that would improve the operational aspects of microgrid clusters.

    Citation: W. E. P. Sampath Ediriweera, N. W. A. Lidula. Design and protection of microgrid clusters: A comprehensive review[J]. AIMS Energy, 2022, 10(3): 375-411. doi: 10.3934/energy.2022020

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