Research article

Salinity tolerance selection of doubled-haploid rice lines based on selection index and factor analysis

  • Received: 31 December 2021 Revised: 08 May 2022 Accepted: 02 June 2022 Published: 12 July 2022
  • The development of tolerant rice varieties using doubled-haploid technology is necessary to speed up the release of a variety tolerant to salinity stress. However, this requires a reliable screening method and selection index model for enhancing selection effectiveness. One approach is through the development of a selection index based on factor analysis under soil salinity screening in the greenhouse. The objective of this study was to develop a selection index model based on factor analysis and select tolerant doubled-haploid lines under high salinity conditions. The experimental design used was a split-plot design with salinity stress treatments as the main plot, i.e., normal (0 mM NaCl) and saline (25 mM NaCl ~ 5.6–5.8 dS/m) and 42 genotypes as the subplot. The genotypes consisted of 36 doubled-haploid lines, four commercial varieties, and two check varieties. The results indicated that a salinity selection index model involving yield and productive tiller traits could be used for selecting rice genotypes tolerant to salinity stress in soil artificial screening. This index which was developed through a combination of factor analysis, stress tolerance index (STI), and path analyses have identified 15 doubled haploid rice lines which were considered as good tolerant lines under salinity stress in soil artificial screening.

    Citation: Muhammad Fuad Anshori, Bambang Sapta Purwoko, Iswari Saraswati Dewi, Willy Bayuardi Suwarno, Sintho Wahyuning Ardie. Salinity tolerance selection of doubled-haploid rice lines based on selection index and factor analysis[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2022, 7(3): 520-535. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2022032

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  • The development of tolerant rice varieties using doubled-haploid technology is necessary to speed up the release of a variety tolerant to salinity stress. However, this requires a reliable screening method and selection index model for enhancing selection effectiveness. One approach is through the development of a selection index based on factor analysis under soil salinity screening in the greenhouse. The objective of this study was to develop a selection index model based on factor analysis and select tolerant doubled-haploid lines under high salinity conditions. The experimental design used was a split-plot design with salinity stress treatments as the main plot, i.e., normal (0 mM NaCl) and saline (25 mM NaCl ~ 5.6–5.8 dS/m) and 42 genotypes as the subplot. The genotypes consisted of 36 doubled-haploid lines, four commercial varieties, and two check varieties. The results indicated that a salinity selection index model involving yield and productive tiller traits could be used for selecting rice genotypes tolerant to salinity stress in soil artificial screening. This index which was developed through a combination of factor analysis, stress tolerance index (STI), and path analyses have identified 15 doubled haploid rice lines which were considered as good tolerant lines under salinity stress in soil artificial screening.


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