Research article

Potential of a new beetroot cultivar ‘Śnieżna kula’ (Beta vulgaris L. ssp.)

  • Received: 18 February 2020 Accepted: 23 July 2020 Published: 07 September 2020
  • Beetroot is a vegetable known since antiquity, valued due to its high pro-health potential resulting from the high content of betalaine pigments, mainly betanin. Due to the allergenic nature of this compound, there may be some of the restrictions concerning red beetroots consumption. This study analysed the physicochemical characteristics of a new white beetroot cultivar ‘Śnieżna Kula’ (‘Snowball’), which can become an alternative to red beetroot. The effects of the size and particular parts of the roots were assessed on betalain pigment, reducing sugar, total sugar, phenolic compounds, nitrate (III) and nitrate (V) contents, and on the antioxidant capacity (expressed as a FRAP and ABTS value). The mass of the beetroots of the ‘Śnieżna Kula’ cultivar varied and ranged from 279 to 1118 g. The analysed beetroot is devoid of red betalain pigments. The total sugar content was the highest for group B (401–600 g) with an average of 33.5 mg kg−1 FW. The roots with a less weight, i.e. those of groups A contained their greater amount phenolic compounds and chlorogenic acid (415 mg kg−1 FW i 279 mg kg−1 FW, respectively). A the same time, less roots contained more nitrates (V), ranging from 3 301 to 3 534 mg kg−1 FW. The inner parts of the root contained more nitrates (III) and (V), while the outer parts of the roots were richer in polyphenols and chlorogenic acid. The antioxidant capacity was correlated with polyphenol and chlorogenic acid contents. The roots for group A (<400 g) the bottom under leaf part and the bottom under leaf part proven antioxidant capacity respectively 17.5; 16.3 mmol Fe2+ kg−1 FW (FRAP) and 8.50; 8.40 mmol Trolox kg−1 (ABTS).

    Citation: Katarzyna Gościnna, Elżbieta Wszelaczyńska, Jarosław Pobereżny. Potential of a new beetroot cultivar ‘Śnieżna kula’ (Beta vulgaris L. ssp.)[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2020, 5(4): 563-577. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2020.4.563

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  • Beetroot is a vegetable known since antiquity, valued due to its high pro-health potential resulting from the high content of betalaine pigments, mainly betanin. Due to the allergenic nature of this compound, there may be some of the restrictions concerning red beetroots consumption. This study analysed the physicochemical characteristics of a new white beetroot cultivar ‘Śnieżna Kula’ (‘Snowball’), which can become an alternative to red beetroot. The effects of the size and particular parts of the roots were assessed on betalain pigment, reducing sugar, total sugar, phenolic compounds, nitrate (III) and nitrate (V) contents, and on the antioxidant capacity (expressed as a FRAP and ABTS value). The mass of the beetroots of the ‘Śnieżna Kula’ cultivar varied and ranged from 279 to 1118 g. The analysed beetroot is devoid of red betalain pigments. The total sugar content was the highest for group B (401–600 g) with an average of 33.5 mg kg−1 FW. The roots with a less weight, i.e. those of groups A contained their greater amount phenolic compounds and chlorogenic acid (415 mg kg−1 FW i 279 mg kg−1 FW, respectively). A the same time, less roots contained more nitrates (V), ranging from 3 301 to 3 534 mg kg−1 FW. The inner parts of the root contained more nitrates (III) and (V), while the outer parts of the roots were richer in polyphenols and chlorogenic acid. The antioxidant capacity was correlated with polyphenol and chlorogenic acid contents. The roots for group A (<400 g) the bottom under leaf part and the bottom under leaf part proven antioxidant capacity respectively 17.5; 16.3 mmol Fe2+ kg−1 FW (FRAP) and 8.50; 8.40 mmol Trolox kg−1 (ABTS).


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