Review Special Issues

Green concept of neuromarketing based on a systematic review using the bibliometric method

  • Received: 02 August 2023 Revised: 25 August 2023 Accepted: 30 August 2023 Published: 18 September 2023
  • JEL Codes: G41, M31, Z33

  • Unlike traditional marketing methods, neuromarketing has shown new insights and higher prediction accuracy. This research uses the bibliometric method to analyze the objectives like the analysis and integration of the green concept of neuromarketing, recognition of the useful authors, the years of publication of documents, authoritative journals that publish articles in this field and keywords around the concept of neuromarketing. The tools presented in neuromarketing expand and improve the perception of the enthusiasts and researchers in this field, and it compares the results obtained from different approaches. From the methodological point of view, this research is qualitative and based on Iden et al.'s (2017) model, consisting of four steps of planning, selecting, extracting and implementing and combining it with setting of Silva's (2015) articles in the form of a review. A bibliometric system is implemented, and VOS viewer software was used to analyze the results.

    The findings are presented in two phases. In the first phase, the performance analysis, the share of the annual production of neuromarketing documents, the percentage of the production of authoritative quarterly journals of this field, the share of the output of related subject areas, the share of the countries' published articles and the share of the documents by productive authors were identified and studied. Also, knowledge maps were drawn in the second phase, and 17 clusters are found, including 109 items and 131 keywords. The theoretical contribution of this article consists of the field of green neuromarketing, which is categorized into four clusters with themes of sustainability and green consumption. The results of this study were obtained based on the framework of theory, context, method, antecedents, decisions, and outcomes. All the keywords related to neuromarketing were categorized from the analysis of the previous articles and its features were studied in the proposed model.

    Citation: Negin Sangari, Payvand Mirzaeian Khamseh, Shib Sankar Sana. Green concept of neuromarketing based on a systematic review using the bibliometric method[J]. Green Finance, 2023, 5(3): 392-430. doi: 10.3934/GF.2023016

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  • Unlike traditional marketing methods, neuromarketing has shown new insights and higher prediction accuracy. This research uses the bibliometric method to analyze the objectives like the analysis and integration of the green concept of neuromarketing, recognition of the useful authors, the years of publication of documents, authoritative journals that publish articles in this field and keywords around the concept of neuromarketing. The tools presented in neuromarketing expand and improve the perception of the enthusiasts and researchers in this field, and it compares the results obtained from different approaches. From the methodological point of view, this research is qualitative and based on Iden et al.'s (2017) model, consisting of four steps of planning, selecting, extracting and implementing and combining it with setting of Silva's (2015) articles in the form of a review. A bibliometric system is implemented, and VOS viewer software was used to analyze the results.

    The findings are presented in two phases. In the first phase, the performance analysis, the share of the annual production of neuromarketing documents, the percentage of the production of authoritative quarterly journals of this field, the share of the output of related subject areas, the share of the countries' published articles and the share of the documents by productive authors were identified and studied. Also, knowledge maps were drawn in the second phase, and 17 clusters are found, including 109 items and 131 keywords. The theoretical contribution of this article consists of the field of green neuromarketing, which is categorized into four clusters with themes of sustainability and green consumption. The results of this study were obtained based on the framework of theory, context, method, antecedents, decisions, and outcomes. All the keywords related to neuromarketing were categorized from the analysis of the previous articles and its features were studied in the proposed model.


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