Research article Special Issues

Relationship between human resource management practices, relationship commitment and sustainable performance

  • Received: 02 May 2020 Accepted: 09 June 2020 Published: 11 June 2020
  • JEL Codes: M10, O15, Q01, Q56

  • Severe competition in today's global market, shorter lifecycles, and everchanging customer needs have forced companies to invest and think about their supply chains. The increasing competition significantly influences the role of human resource management practices (HRMPs) to relationship commitment (RC) in the market, and we see that more and more companies build stable relationships with network partners to reduce costs, reduce risks and increase competitive advantage. RC is a key principle for mutually beneficial between exchange partners, which in turn increases a firm's sustainable performance. Therefore, this research aims at exploring the relationship between HRMPs, RC, and sustainable performance (SP). The data from 246 manufacturing firms in Pakistan were subjected to analysis by AMOS 26. The maximum likelihood regression results of AMOS suggest that HRMPs have a significant positive relationship with RC and environmental performance. Moreover, RC mediates the relationship between HRMPs, environmental and economic performance.

    Citation: Muzzammil Wasim Syed, Ji Zu Li, Muhammad Junaid, Muhammad Ziaullah. Relationship between human resource management practices, relationship commitment and sustainable performance[J]. Green Finance, 2020, 2(3): 227-242. doi: 10.3934/GF.2020013

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  • Severe competition in today's global market, shorter lifecycles, and everchanging customer needs have forced companies to invest and think about their supply chains. The increasing competition significantly influences the role of human resource management practices (HRMPs) to relationship commitment (RC) in the market, and we see that more and more companies build stable relationships with network partners to reduce costs, reduce risks and increase competitive advantage. RC is a key principle for mutually beneficial between exchange partners, which in turn increases a firm's sustainable performance. Therefore, this research aims at exploring the relationship between HRMPs, RC, and sustainable performance (SP). The data from 246 manufacturing firms in Pakistan were subjected to analysis by AMOS 26. The maximum likelihood regression results of AMOS suggest that HRMPs have a significant positive relationship with RC and environmental performance. Moreover, RC mediates the relationship between HRMPs, environmental and economic performance.


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