
Recent Advances in αβ T Cell Biology: Wnt Signaling, Notch Signaling, Hedgehog Signaling and Their Translational Perspective

  • Received: 30 August 2016 Accepted: 08 November 2016 Published: 17 November 2016
  • Engagement of bioactive ligands with cell surface receptors plays critical roles in the initiation and regulation of αβ T cell development, homeostasis and functions. In the past two decades, new subpopulations of αβ T cells have been discovered. In addition, the characterization of new ligand/receptor axes has led to a better understanding of αβ T cell biology. In the current review, the phenotypic and functional properties of αβ T cell subpopulations are described, as well as the effects of three novel and well-documented signal pathways—Wnt, Notch and Hedgehog signaling—on αβ T cell development and functions are summarized. These signal pathways are initiated by the ligation of corresponding ligands with respective receptors, and this subsequently exerts a positive or negative influence on αβ T cell ontogenesis and behavior. Thorough understanding of the components of these signal pathways might shed new light on the manipulation of αβ T cell biology so as to favor the advance of diagnosis and therapy of immune disorders such as infection, tumors and autoimmune diseases.

    Citation: Wenping Lin, Kai Dai, Luokun Xie. Recent Advances in αβ T Cell Biology: Wnt Signaling, Notch Signaling, Hedgehog Signaling and Their Translational Perspective[J]. AIMS Medical Science, 2016, 3(4): 312-328. doi: 10.3934/medsci.2016.4.312

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