Research article Special Issues

Correlation of the chemical composition, structure and mechanical properties of basalt continuous fibers

  • Received: 21 June 2019 Accepted: 30 August 2019 Published: 09 September 2019
  • This work presents the study of the dependence of the basalt continuous fibers (BCF) tensile strength on their chemical composition. 14 different basalt deposits were used to obtain continuous fibers by a laboratory scale system. Based on the data for more than 15 articles focused on natural basalt continuous fibers (32 different compositions) and experimental data of 14 experimental BCF series, the correlation of the tensile strength, the acid modulus and the NBO/T parameter was calculated. The PCC (pearson correlation coefficient) value of NBO/T and the tensile strength was 0.79, for acidity modulus and tensile strength -0.53.
    Raman data for experimental BCF confirm the significant influence of the chemical composition of basalts on their structure, which determines their tensile strength. With a decrease in NBO/T, the observed ratio between the Raman bands at low-and high-frequencies gradually increases.

    Citation: Sergey I. Gutnikov, Evgeniya S. Zhukovskaya, Sergey S. Popov, Bogdan I. Lazoryak. Correlation of the chemical composition, structure and mechanical properties of basalt continuous fibers[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2019, 6(5): 806-820. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2019.5.806

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  • This work presents the study of the dependence of the basalt continuous fibers (BCF) tensile strength on their chemical composition. 14 different basalt deposits were used to obtain continuous fibers by a laboratory scale system. Based on the data for more than 15 articles focused on natural basalt continuous fibers (32 different compositions) and experimental data of 14 experimental BCF series, the correlation of the tensile strength, the acid modulus and the NBO/T parameter was calculated. The PCC (pearson correlation coefficient) value of NBO/T and the tensile strength was 0.79, for acidity modulus and tensile strength -0.53.
    Raman data for experimental BCF confirm the significant influence of the chemical composition of basalts on their structure, which determines their tensile strength. With a decrease in NBO/T, the observed ratio between the Raman bands at low-and high-frequencies gradually increases.


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