Research article

Variability trends in the daily air temperatures series
Running head: Variability trends prague

  • Received: 17 January 2019 Accepted: 22 May 2019 Published: 05 June 2019
  • An abstract is a brief of the paper; the abstract should not contain references, the text of the abstract section should be in 12 point normal Times New Roman. Temperature variability was investigated for the near surface air temperature time series measured at Sporilov station (Prague, the Czech Republic) between 2003–2016. The interpretation of the Sporilov daily air temperature averages was completed with the results of the long-term observation at the Prague Klementinum station (daily averages, daily maximum and daily minimum temperatures). Variability was detected by the method of absolute difference of temperature anomalies between two adjacent discrete time periods. The results demonstrated increasing warming trends for all investigated temperature time series and a general reduction of the diurnal temperature range. The range of temperature oscillations reduces also on the annual scale. The temperature variability has shown general decline, however the velocity of the detected variability decreasing trend is significantly minor in comparison with the previously investigated period 1994–2001. The analysis also revealed that the occurrence of both hottest and coldest extremes have been increasing during the investigated period at both stations.

    Citation: Vladimir Cermak, Louise Bodri, Jan Safanda, Milan Kresl, Petr Dedecek. Variability trends in the daily air temperatures seriesRunning head: Variability trends prague[J]. AIMS Environmental Science, 2019, 6(3): 167-185. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2019.3.167

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  • An abstract is a brief of the paper; the abstract should not contain references, the text of the abstract section should be in 12 point normal Times New Roman. Temperature variability was investigated for the near surface air temperature time series measured at Sporilov station (Prague, the Czech Republic) between 2003–2016. The interpretation of the Sporilov daily air temperature averages was completed with the results of the long-term observation at the Prague Klementinum station (daily averages, daily maximum and daily minimum temperatures). Variability was detected by the method of absolute difference of temperature anomalies between two adjacent discrete time periods. The results demonstrated increasing warming trends for all investigated temperature time series and a general reduction of the diurnal temperature range. The range of temperature oscillations reduces also on the annual scale. The temperature variability has shown general decline, however the velocity of the detected variability decreasing trend is significantly minor in comparison with the previously investigated period 1994–2001. The analysis also revealed that the occurrence of both hottest and coldest extremes have been increasing during the investigated period at both stations.


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