Research article

The role of local isolates of Trichoderma sp. as a decomposer in the substrate of cacao pod rind (Theobroma cacao L.)

  • Received: 08 July 2020 Accepted: 22 October 2020 Published: 03 November 2020
  • Implementation of the utilization of reasonably available biological resources on an ongoing basis is the development of industrial technology and the production of bio-compost pellet-granule organic fertilizer (with an active ingredient of Trichoderma sp.). Microorganisms can be formulated and developed into a land probiotic technology to optimize its role as a decomposer and plant growth promoters. This study was designed of six treatments and three replications. The base substrate consisted of concentration of the cacao pod rind (CPR) with the supplement (SP) cacao leaf waste + chicken manure + goat manure + cow manure with ratio at (1:1:1:1). The experimental treatments were CPR 100% + without SP (CPR100-SP0), CPR 80% + SP 20% (CPR80-SP20), CPR 75% + SP 25% (CPR75-SP25), CPR 70% + SP 30% (CPR70-SP30), CPR 65% + SP 35% (CPR65-SP35) and CPR 60% + SP 40% (CPR60-SP40). The results showed that the process of composting for 28 days with inoculation of Trichoderma sp. can increase C-organic, nitrogen, phosphor, calcium, potassium content and pH of bio-compost. The high C-organic and nitrogen were found at CPR70-SP30, CPR65-SP35 and CPR60-SP40. The phosphor, calcium and potassium content increased with the increasing of the supplement in the bio-compost. The high pH was found at CPR75-SP25, CPR70-SP30, CPR65-SP35 and CPR60-SP40. The data from the pH measurement of the bio-compost ranges from 7.53 to 7.81.

    Citation: Abdul Rahim Thaha, Umrah Umrah, Asrul Asrul, Abdul Rahim, Fajra Fajra, Nurzakia Nurzakia. The role of local isolates of Trichoderma sp. as a decomposer in the substrate of cacao pod rind (Theobroma cacao L.)[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2020, 5(4): 825-834. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2020.4.825

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  • Implementation of the utilization of reasonably available biological resources on an ongoing basis is the development of industrial technology and the production of bio-compost pellet-granule organic fertilizer (with an active ingredient of Trichoderma sp.). Microorganisms can be formulated and developed into a land probiotic technology to optimize its role as a decomposer and plant growth promoters. This study was designed of six treatments and three replications. The base substrate consisted of concentration of the cacao pod rind (CPR) with the supplement (SP) cacao leaf waste + chicken manure + goat manure + cow manure with ratio at (1:1:1:1). The experimental treatments were CPR 100% + without SP (CPR100-SP0), CPR 80% + SP 20% (CPR80-SP20), CPR 75% + SP 25% (CPR75-SP25), CPR 70% + SP 30% (CPR70-SP30), CPR 65% + SP 35% (CPR65-SP35) and CPR 60% + SP 40% (CPR60-SP40). The results showed that the process of composting for 28 days with inoculation of Trichoderma sp. can increase C-organic, nitrogen, phosphor, calcium, potassium content and pH of bio-compost. The high C-organic and nitrogen were found at CPR70-SP30, CPR65-SP35 and CPR60-SP40. The phosphor, calcium and potassium content increased with the increasing of the supplement in the bio-compost. The high pH was found at CPR75-SP25, CPR70-SP30, CPR65-SP35 and CPR60-SP40. The data from the pH measurement of the bio-compost ranges from 7.53 to 7.81.


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