Review Special Issues

A review of the postharvest characteristics and pre-packaging treatments of citrus fruit

  • Received: 25 February 2020 Accepted: 08 July 2020 Published: 14 July 2020
  • Once harvested, fruit continue to respire, which is further exacerbated by elevated temperatures in the field and during transport to packhouses. This favors the proliferation of pathogens, which is detrimental to the postharvest fruit quality and, consequently, results in a decrease in the fruit shelf life. The aim of this review is to highlight the common citrus postharvest disorders and the various pre-packaging treatments that can be used to alleviate such disorders and promote fruit quality. Hot water, surface coatings, ultra-violet irradiation, chlorine (hypochlorous), salt treatments and microbial antagonists have been beneficial in maintaining the citrus quality and reducing the prevalence of postharvest decay. Environmentally friendly anolyte water has also proven to be a favourable postharvest treatment. Integrated treatments, such as hot water treatments and chlorine disinfection, have been successfully used in the global citrus industry. The use of integrated pre-packaging treatments improved the quality and shelf life of citrus, compared to individual treatments. An effective combination of pre-packaging treatments should include: (1) disinfectant; (2) curative and (3) preventive treatments to control pre- and postharvest pathogens.

    Citation: Alaika Kassim, Tilahun S. Workneh, Mark D. Laing. A review of the postharvest characteristics and pre-packaging treatments of citrus fruit[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2020, 5(3): 337-364. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2020.3.337

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  • Once harvested, fruit continue to respire, which is further exacerbated by elevated temperatures in the field and during transport to packhouses. This favors the proliferation of pathogens, which is detrimental to the postharvest fruit quality and, consequently, results in a decrease in the fruit shelf life. The aim of this review is to highlight the common citrus postharvest disorders and the various pre-packaging treatments that can be used to alleviate such disorders and promote fruit quality. Hot water, surface coatings, ultra-violet irradiation, chlorine (hypochlorous), salt treatments and microbial antagonists have been beneficial in maintaining the citrus quality and reducing the prevalence of postharvest decay. Environmentally friendly anolyte water has also proven to be a favourable postharvest treatment. Integrated treatments, such as hot water treatments and chlorine disinfection, have been successfully used in the global citrus industry. The use of integrated pre-packaging treatments improved the quality and shelf life of citrus, compared to individual treatments. An effective combination of pre-packaging treatments should include: (1) disinfectant; (2) curative and (3) preventive treatments to control pre- and postharvest pathogens.


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