Special Issue: Ethnic Cartography: Diversity and Intercultural Competence

Guest Editor

Prof. Diana Bakalova
Institute for Population and Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Email: diabakalova@gmail.com

Manuscript Topics

The themes of ethnic diversity, interethnic relations and minority inclusion are of long-standing and continuously increasing interest to researchers, policy-makers, the media and the society at large. This interest is largely due to the recently increased migrant flows, intercultural differences within countries, religious based conflicts, incl. terroristic attacks, and also due to the traditionally higher birth rates among national and immigrant ethnic minorities in comparison to national ethnic majorities that are often perceived as threatening by the national majorities.

The processes of globalization, digitalization, high mobility and migration, especially before the coronavirus pandemic, have brought us to the concept of multiple identities, whereas many people around the world identify themselves with more than one (ethnic) group, nation, etc.

The latest restrictions on mobility and migration, their specific dynamics, and the high mortality rates due to the coronavirus pandemic further complicate the ethnic and cultural cartography around the world. They add to the mass of research questions to answer and to the heap of hypotheses to test.

Today, we face even more challenges to study the cartography of ethnic diversity than before the pandemic. Just mapping ethnic diversity is no longer enough. We, researchers, need to explore its determinants, mechanisms, strengths and weaknesses in depth so that we can provide both theoretical explanations and policy implications; to enhance the development of intercultural competence needed to use the opportunities and to handle the challenges of ethnic diversity on all levels (intergroup, regional, national, international), and in all aspects of life (sociocultural, economic, political, etc.).

This Special Issue of AIMS Geosciences titled “Ethnic Cartography: Diversity and Intercultural Competence” is aimed at exploring diversity in terms of multiple identities - ethnic, national, religious, etc. identification, and also in relation to intercultural competence. When is diversity associated with prejudice and discrimination, high social distances, segregation and isolation of ethnic and other minorities? When is diversity associated with multiculturalism, equality, social justice and inclusion of minorities? How do interethnic contacts influence interethnic attitudes and expectations? Special attention is also paid to research on multicultural work and educational environments, incl. distant learning and home office in the digital era under the pandemic conditions. What are the policy implications that can be used to develop appropriate intercultural competence programmes, as well as minority and migration policy measures?

Original theoretical and empirical research contributions will be greatly appreciated. Opinion papers will also be welcomed. In particular, sociologists, demographers, psychologists, political scientists, pedagogists, anthropologists, historians, geographers, economists, and scholars in allied field are invited to submit a manuscript.

Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:  
Ethnic cartography: (inter)national and regional policies and practices  
Ethnic identification and diversity  
National identification and diversity  
Multiple identities (ethnic, national, religious, gender or other group identification)  
Interethnic attitudes and relations  
Interethnic contact and intercultural communication  
Ethnic majority and minority issues: inequalities, social distances, acculturation expectations, etc.  
National minority and immigrant minority issues  
Intercultural and multicultural competence: overcoming prejudice and discrimination  
Multiculturalism and support for cultural rights  
Migration and mobility issues under the pandemic conditions  
Multicultural work environment, incl. home office under the pandemic conditions  
Multicultural education, incl. distant education under the pandemic conditions

Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system

Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 10 January 2023

Published Papers({{count}})

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