Special Issue: New Insights into Green Technologies in Environment and Energy

Guest Editors

Prof. Qiangqiang Liao
Shanghai University of Electric Power, China
Email: liaoqiangqiang@shiep.edu.cn

Dr. Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), USA
Email: danish@mdanish.me

Manuscript Topics

As global energy consumption continues its upward trajectory, the concomitant rise in environmental pollution underscores the urgent need for advancing green technologies in the domains of environment and energy. This imperative is accentuated by a myriad of factors including climate change, depletion of conventional resources, heightened environmental awareness, and the pressing needs of societies, particularly in developing regions.
In this vein, our forthcoming Special Issue endeavors to elucidate the pivotal role of green technologies in steering us towards a sustainable and low-carbon future. At the heart of this discourse lie the fundamental pillars of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), enhancements in energy efficiency, transformative behavioral shifts, electrification, and the proliferation of renewable energy sources. Additionally, we spotlight the indispensable role of hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels, alongside the integration of alternative resources such as solid wastes including petcoke, electronic waste, and non-recyclable plastics.
Against the backdrop of these critical imperatives, we extend a cordial invitation to international scholars to contribute their pioneering research findings and comprehensive reviews to this Special Issue. Let us embark on a collective journey of exploration and innovation, shaping the discourse on green technologies in environment and energy for a brighter and more sustainable future.

The special issue invites the original contributions, but not limited to, the themes and topics in following areas of research:
• CO2 capture, utilization, and storage;
• Electrification and intensification;
• H2 production and storage;
• Energy storage;
• Energy efficiency measures;
• Clean energy technologies;
• Energy efficiency measures.

This Special Issue is expected to comprise some papers from ISNEC2024 (The 2nd International Symposium on New Energy and Environmental Concerns (ISNEC2024)), and expert authors (outside of ISNEC2024), titled "New Insights into Green Technologies in Environment and Energy".    
ISNEC 2024 Conference: http://isnec.org/

Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system

Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 December 2024

Published Papers({{count}})

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