Special Issue: Urban atmospheres in the context of sustainable and resilient cities
Guest Editor
Dr. Erik Velasco
Molina Center for Energy and the Environment, Boston, MA, USA
Email: evelasco@mce2.org
Manuscript Topics
Air pollution, urban warming, and climate change mitigation are three environmental challenges that cities face nowadays. Rapid population growth, uncontrolled urban expansion, unstained economic growth, and increased energy demand have led to the emission of significant amounts of harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as well as modified the local climate, exacerbating the impacts of climate change.
The interplay of urban elements such as buildings, roads, and parks results in landscapes with distinct microclimates and emission footprints of pollutants and greenhouse gases. A thorough analysis of such landscapes, along with a holistic understanding of people’s activities and behaviors, leads to the development of innovative solutions to improve air quality and public health, mitigate climate change, and create cooler and greener microenvironments.
In this context, this special issue invites contributions that examine scientific, social, and political efforts to improve air quality management, review measures and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and propose strategies to address urban warming.
We are aiming for an interdisciplinary audience that includes scholars, stakeholders, engineers, and practitioners in the fields of air quality, urban climate, and climate change, as well as social scientists whose work involves the assessment of the atmospheric environment.
Topics of interest include, among others:
Air quality
• Air quality management
• Air quality regulations
• Air quality monitoring
• Emissions and chemistry
• Particle pollution
• Pollutants transformations and transport
• Personal exposure and health impacts
• Transportation and air pollution
• Air quality and environmental justice
Urban climate
• Urban warming
• Urban micrometeorology
• Urban heat island effects
• Urban climate and public health
• Human bioclimatology and thermal comfort
• Green infrastructure and urban climate
Climate change
• Vulnerability to climate hazards
• Infrastructure to adapt to climate change
• Adaptation policies, strategies, and governance
Mitigation to climate change
• Sources and sinks of greenhouse gases
• Technologies to reduce carbon emissions
• Urban carbon sequestration
• Mitigation policies, strategies, and governancee
Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system