Special Issue: Unleashing the Innovation and Knowledge in a Changing World: Strategies for Business Success through Mathematical Empirical Models

Guest Editors

Prof. Juan Evangelista Trinidad Segovia
Universidad de Almería, Spain
Email: jetrini@ual.es

Dr. Antonio Martínez Raya
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Email: antoniomartinez@upm.es

Manuscript Topics

This special issue is intricately linked with the IFKAD 2024 conference (www.ifkad.org). Please be aware that the acceptance of manuscripts is contingent upon the submission of a certificate of attendance to this conference. Please note that the IFKAD conference allows for the option of presenting communications to the congress virtually.
In the evolving framework of artificial intelligence (AI), the convergence of knowledge management and innovative resilience, unfolds across diverse thematic tracks, each offering unique insights into the intricate fabric of contemporary business activities.
Within the realm of Knowledge and Innovation for Achieving Better Practices in Applying Artificial Intelligence to the Real Estate Sector (Track No. 31), the key element lies in shaping investor confidence to foster innovation. From enhancing knowledge engagement and establishing feasible-centric investments to driving better innovative practices, a cohesive approach underscores the significance of reshaping real estate, with near and long-term impacts ranging from the emergence of new markets to asset tokenization as the linchpin for empirically mathematical models. For further information, please visit https://www.ifkad.org/special-track/31-2024/
In parallel, Emerging Transformation and Innovation Dynamics of Cultural Tourism Ecosystem (Track No. 35) highlights a paradigm shift in the tourism industry, where sustainable markets intersect with responsible consumption. This track explores the integration of knowledge and innovation into the tourist sector, shaping a culture of continuous improvement. Simultaneously, innovation management within the tourist sector becomes a principal conduit for business model innovation for modeling sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystems. For further information, please visit https://www.ifkad.org/special-track/35-2024/
Finally, the advent of innovative technologies, epitomized by Digital Approaches and Tools for Global Urban Development and Innovation (Track No. 22), requires innovative approaches amid smart cities and technical complexity. Robust mathematical business models become crucial for enhancing global urban development, reflecting an adaptive response to contemporary economic dynamics. The emergence of digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Big Data analytics, is nowadays focused on better practices in ensuring sustainable urban development. For further information, please visit https://www.ifkad.org/special-track/22-2024/
These tracks are relatively broad and are not intended to be unique or exclusive to others, which could eventually be eligible for another from the IFKAD 2024. For further information, please visit or further information, please visit https://www.ifkad.org/special-track
This integrated exploration across tracks offers a panoramic view for academic audiences, inviting nuanced inquiry into the interplay of knowledge, innovation, and organizational resilience in contemporary contexts.
We invite scholarly contributions that delve into the theme of "Unleashing the Innovation and Knowledge in a Changing World: Strategies for Success through Mathematical Empirical Models". Tentative manuscripts should explore the intersection of innovation, knowledge, and empirical models, addressing mathematical issues of socioeconomic concern.
Potential Topics for Submission:
1. Transformative business models in enhancing online business in the real estate sector.
2. Continuous improvement models for the real estate sector based on AI techniques.
3. Innovative business models in the real estate sector.
4. Approaches, models, and tools for analyzing and evaluating the digital transformation of cultural tourism ecosystems.
5. Artificial Intelligence models and tools for identifying and mapping micro/macro tourism systems.
6. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning in urban mobility.
7. Modelling Social Systems and Dynamics in Cities.
8. Agent-Based Models as Innovation Tools: Enhancing Urban Systems Analysis.
We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to contribute their original research, theoretical explorations, and empirical studies to this special issue, enriching the discourse on innovation, knowledge, and organizational resilience. When submitting, select the title of this special issue.

Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system

Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 30 November 2024

Published Papers({{count}})

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