Research article Special Issues

Optimal wind farm sitting using high-resolution digital elevation models and randomized optimization

  • Received: 15 September 2015 Accepted: 23 September 2015 Published: 23 September 2015
  • We investigate the problem of wind farm design in isolated mountainous areas. We first describe a remote sensing approach for the terrain reconstruction of complex terrains. We then employ a well--known evolutionary optimization algorithm to find the optimal wind farm layout. Although the algorithm has been efficiently used for off--shore or smooth on--shore areas, we show that its performance is significantly affected by the complex topography. Moreover, we illustrate how a priori information can be exploited to improve both the computational time and efficiency of the optimization algorithm.

    Citation: John Koutroumpas, Konstantinos Koutroumpas. Optimal wind farm sitting using high-resolution digital elevation models and randomized optimization[J]. AIMS Energy, 2015, 3(4): 505-524. doi: 10.3934/energy.2015.4.505

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