Research article

Morphoagronomic and industrial performance of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) germplasm for the production of starch and solid byproducts

  • Received: 16 June 2020 Accepted: 08 September 2020 Published: 18 September 2020
  • The objective of the present research work was to study the morphoagronomic and industrial performance of three cassava clones. The study was carried out in two stages: A) the MMEXV5, MMEXV40, and MMEXCH23 clones were established in a subhumid warm climate; B) the storage roots were processed. For the first essay, a randomized complete block design was used, while for the second essay, a completely randomized design was used. An ANOVA analysis was done, as well as a means comparison (Tukey, 0.05) and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The ANOVA showed differences in the evaluated traits (p ≤ 0.05). The MMEXV5 clone showed high storage roots yield (RY = 41.24 t ha-1), plant height (PH = 4.79 m), and pulp (PUL = 80.58%); MMEXCH23 achieved higher contents of bagasse and peel; while, MMEXV40 had the highest total starch extraction (STL = 12.57%). Additionally, the three clones reached high dry matter content (DM = 34.22 to 38%), trait considered a quality factor. The PCA showed that RY was associated with a higher number of storage roots generated, PH, PUL, and lobe dimensions; but, the clones with high RY and PH developed poor DM and yield of starch extraction. Finally, the valorization of the evaluated germplasm could make cassava into the basic raw material in a great variety of products with high added value for the food and non-food industry, even obtain bioproducts and bioenergy through the conversion of bagasse and peel.

    Citation: José Luis Del Rosario-Arellano, Isaac Meneses-Márquez, Otto Raúl Leyva-Ovalle, Noé Aguilar-Rivera, Gloria Ivette Bolio-López, Pablo Andrés-Meza. Morphoagronomic and industrial performance of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) germplasm for the production of starch and solid byproducts[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2020, 5(4): 617-634. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2020.4.617

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  • The objective of the present research work was to study the morphoagronomic and industrial performance of three cassava clones. The study was carried out in two stages: A) the MMEXV5, MMEXV40, and MMEXCH23 clones were established in a subhumid warm climate; B) the storage roots were processed. For the first essay, a randomized complete block design was used, while for the second essay, a completely randomized design was used. An ANOVA analysis was done, as well as a means comparison (Tukey, 0.05) and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The ANOVA showed differences in the evaluated traits (p ≤ 0.05). The MMEXV5 clone showed high storage roots yield (RY = 41.24 t ha-1), plant height (PH = 4.79 m), and pulp (PUL = 80.58%); MMEXCH23 achieved higher contents of bagasse and peel; while, MMEXV40 had the highest total starch extraction (STL = 12.57%). Additionally, the three clones reached high dry matter content (DM = 34.22 to 38%), trait considered a quality factor. The PCA showed that RY was associated with a higher number of storage roots generated, PH, PUL, and lobe dimensions; but, the clones with high RY and PH developed poor DM and yield of starch extraction. Finally, the valorization of the evaluated germplasm could make cassava into the basic raw material in a great variety of products with high added value for the food and non-food industry, even obtain bioproducts and bioenergy through the conversion of bagasse and peel.


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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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