Research article Special Issues

Mirrored dynamics of a wild mosquito population suppression model with Ricker-type survival probability and time delay

  • Received: 22 November 2023 Revised: 26 December 2023 Accepted: 29 December 2023 Published: 04 January 2024
  • Here, we formulated a delayed mosquito population suppression model including two switching sub-equations, in which we assumed that the growth of the wild mosquito population obeys the Ricker-type density-dependent survival function and the release period of sterile males equals the maturation period of wild mosquitoes. For the time-switched delay model, to tackle with the difficulties brought by the non-monotonicity of its growth term to its dynamical analysis, we employed an essential transformation, derived an auxiliary function and obtained some expected analytical results. Finally, we proved that under certain conditions, the number of periodic solutions and their global attractivities for the delay model mirror that of the corresponding delay-free model. The findings can boost a better understanding of the impact of the time delay on the creation/suppression of oscillations harbored by the mosquito population dynamics and enhance the success of real-world mosquito control programs.

    Citation: Zhongcai Zhu, Xiaomei Feng, Xue He, Hongpeng Guo. Mirrored dynamics of a wild mosquito population suppression model with Ricker-type survival probability and time delay[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(2): 1884-1898. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024083

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  • Here, we formulated a delayed mosquito population suppression model including two switching sub-equations, in which we assumed that the growth of the wild mosquito population obeys the Ricker-type density-dependent survival function and the release period of sterile males equals the maturation period of wild mosquitoes. For the time-switched delay model, to tackle with the difficulties brought by the non-monotonicity of its growth term to its dynamical analysis, we employed an essential transformation, derived an auxiliary function and obtained some expected analytical results. Finally, we proved that under certain conditions, the number of periodic solutions and their global attractivities for the delay model mirror that of the corresponding delay-free model. The findings can boost a better understanding of the impact of the time delay on the creation/suppression of oscillations harbored by the mosquito population dynamics and enhance the success of real-world mosquito control programs.


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