Research article

An improved genetic algorithm for solving the helicopter routing problem with time window in post-disaster rescue

  • Received: 30 April 2023 Revised: 26 June 2023 Accepted: 06 July 2023 Published: 28 July 2023
  • The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a highly significant and extensively studied issue in post-disaster rescue. In recent years, there has been widespread utilization of helicopters for post-disaster rescue. However, efficiently dispatching helicopters to reach rescue sites in post-disaster rescue is a challenge. To address this issue, this study models the issue of dispatching helicopters as a specific variant of the VRP with time window (VRPTW). Considering that the VRPTW is an NP-hard problem, the genetic algorithm (GA) as one of the prominent evolutionary algorithms with robust optimization capabilities, is a good candidate to deal with this issue. In this study, an improved GA with a local search strategy and global search strategy is proposed. To begin, a cooperative initialization strategy is proposed to generate an initial population with high quality and diversity. Subsequently, a local search strategy is presented to improve the exploitation ability. Additionally, a global search strategy is embedded to enhance the global search performance. Finally, 56 instances extended from Solomon instances are utilized for conducting simulation tests. The simulation results indicate that the average relative percentage increase (RPI) of the distance travelled by helicopters as obtained by the proposed algorithm is 0.178, 0.027, 0.075 and 0.041 times smaller than the average RPIs obtained by the tabu search algorithm, ant colony optimization algorithm, hybrid GA and simulated annealing algorithm, respectively. Simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm is more efficient and effective for solving the VRPTW to reduce the driving distance of the helicopters in post-disaster rescue.

    Citation: Kaidong Yang, Peng Duan, Huishan Yu. An improved genetic algorithm for solving the helicopter routing problem with time window in post-disaster rescue[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(9): 15672-15707. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023699

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  • The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a highly significant and extensively studied issue in post-disaster rescue. In recent years, there has been widespread utilization of helicopters for post-disaster rescue. However, efficiently dispatching helicopters to reach rescue sites in post-disaster rescue is a challenge. To address this issue, this study models the issue of dispatching helicopters as a specific variant of the VRP with time window (VRPTW). Considering that the VRPTW is an NP-hard problem, the genetic algorithm (GA) as one of the prominent evolutionary algorithms with robust optimization capabilities, is a good candidate to deal with this issue. In this study, an improved GA with a local search strategy and global search strategy is proposed. To begin, a cooperative initialization strategy is proposed to generate an initial population with high quality and diversity. Subsequently, a local search strategy is presented to improve the exploitation ability. Additionally, a global search strategy is embedded to enhance the global search performance. Finally, 56 instances extended from Solomon instances are utilized for conducting simulation tests. The simulation results indicate that the average relative percentage increase (RPI) of the distance travelled by helicopters as obtained by the proposed algorithm is 0.178, 0.027, 0.075 and 0.041 times smaller than the average RPIs obtained by the tabu search algorithm, ant colony optimization algorithm, hybrid GA and simulated annealing algorithm, respectively. Simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm is more efficient and effective for solving the VRPTW to reduce the driving distance of the helicopters in post-disaster rescue.


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