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Identification of protein functions in mouse with a label space partition method

  • Received: 29 September 2021 Revised: 20 January 2022 Accepted: 25 January 2022 Published: 10 February 2022
  • Protein is very important for almost all living creatures because it participates in most complicated and essential biological processes. Determining the functions of given proteins is one of the most essential problems in protein science. Such determination can be conducted through traditional experiments. However, the experimental methods are always time-consuming and of high costs. In recent years, computational methods give useful aids for identification of protein functions. This study presented a new multi-label classifier for identifying functions of mouse proteins. Due to the number of functional types, which were termed as labels in the classification procedure, a label space partition method was employed to divide labels into some partitions. On each partition, a multi-label classifier was constructed. The classifiers based on all partitions were integrated in the proposed classifier. The cross-validation results proved that the proposed classifier was of good performance. Classifiers with label partition were superior to those without label partition or with random label partition.

    Citation: Xuan Li, Lin Lu, Lei Chen. Identification of protein functions in mouse with a label space partition method[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(4): 3820-3842. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022176

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  • Protein is very important for almost all living creatures because it participates in most complicated and essential biological processes. Determining the functions of given proteins is one of the most essential problems in protein science. Such determination can be conducted through traditional experiments. However, the experimental methods are always time-consuming and of high costs. In recent years, computational methods give useful aids for identification of protein functions. This study presented a new multi-label classifier for identifying functions of mouse proteins. Due to the number of functional types, which were termed as labels in the classification procedure, a label space partition method was employed to divide labels into some partitions. On each partition, a multi-label classifier was constructed. The classifiers based on all partitions were integrated in the proposed classifier. The cross-validation results proved that the proposed classifier was of good performance. Classifiers with label partition were superior to those without label partition or with random label partition.


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