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Research on decision-making of emergency plan for waterlogging disaster in subway station project based on linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy set and TOPSIS

  • Received: 27 May 2020 Accepted: 02 July 2020 Published: 10 July 2020
  • Targeted at emergency plans for rainstorm and waterlogging disasters in subway station projects, this work proposes a group decision-making method that uses linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy sets, structural entropy weights, and TOPSIS. An evaluation index system of emergency plans was constructed based on four aspects, namely a scientific basis, completeness, operability, and flexibility. A linguistic interval intuitionistic fuzzy set approach was then used to qualitatively present the decision-makers' understanding of, attitudes about, and preferences for emergency plans. The uncertainty was comprehensively and intuitively represented by the dimensions of the degrees of membership and non-membership. The structural entropy weight method was applied and improved to fully reflect the influences of experts with different characteristics on the index weights. Finally, the TOPSIS method, with a background context of linguistic interval intuitionistic fuzzy sets, was applied. The calculation results of benchmark and verification case highlight the rationality and scientificity of the method proposed in this paper. The emergency decisions regarding waterlogging in 2018 for the Huilong Road West Station Project of Chengdu Metro Line 11 in China were selected as a case study. The case study demonstrates that operability is the most critical of the four primary indicators, and that flexible response to changes in the emergency response level is the most important of the secondary indicators. The uncertainty analysis of data revealed that with the increase of uncertainty, the difference between each scheme and the ideal solution decreased. Compared with the classical TOPSIS method, the new model proposed in this paper is robust and effective, and can be used for similar projects in the future.

    Citation: Han Wu, Junwu Wang, Sen Liu, Tingyou Yang. Research on decision-making of emergency plan for waterlogging disaster in subway station project based on linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy set and TOPSIS[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(5): 4825-4851. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020263

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  • Targeted at emergency plans for rainstorm and waterlogging disasters in subway station projects, this work proposes a group decision-making method that uses linguistic intuitionistic fuzzy sets, structural entropy weights, and TOPSIS. An evaluation index system of emergency plans was constructed based on four aspects, namely a scientific basis, completeness, operability, and flexibility. A linguistic interval intuitionistic fuzzy set approach was then used to qualitatively present the decision-makers' understanding of, attitudes about, and preferences for emergency plans. The uncertainty was comprehensively and intuitively represented by the dimensions of the degrees of membership and non-membership. The structural entropy weight method was applied and improved to fully reflect the influences of experts with different characteristics on the index weights. Finally, the TOPSIS method, with a background context of linguistic interval intuitionistic fuzzy sets, was applied. The calculation results of benchmark and verification case highlight the rationality and scientificity of the method proposed in this paper. The emergency decisions regarding waterlogging in 2018 for the Huilong Road West Station Project of Chengdu Metro Line 11 in China were selected as a case study. The case study demonstrates that operability is the most critical of the four primary indicators, and that flexible response to changes in the emergency response level is the most important of the secondary indicators. The uncertainty analysis of data revealed that with the increase of uncertainty, the difference between each scheme and the ideal solution decreased. Compared with the classical TOPSIS method, the new model proposed in this paper is robust and effective, and can be used for similar projects in the future.


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