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Processing of hybrid laminates integrating ZrB2/SiC and SiC layers

  • Received: 04 May 2020 Accepted: 17 August 2020 Published: 24 August 2020
  • Tape casting technique was used to develop hybrid laminates constituting by SiC and ZrB2–SiC layers; the main aim is obtaining a structure which integrate the unique properties of these materials and potentially extent their application temperature range. Multilayer with ZrB2–SiC layers stacked in between SiC ones were successfully processed. Thin cracks propagated in the composite layers without affecting SiC ones; their formation was due to residual stresses developed in the two materials because of the differences in their shrinkage and coefficients of thermal expansion. However, these cracks did not significantly affect the material properties: relative density, elastic modulus and flexural strength of hybrid laminates was indeed only slightly lower than those of laminates made up of layers with the same composition.

    Citation: Elisa Padovano, Francesco Trevisan, Sara Biamino, Claudio Badini. Processing of hybrid laminates integrating ZrB2/SiC and SiC layers[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2020, 7(5): 552-564. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2020.5.552

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  • Tape casting technique was used to develop hybrid laminates constituting by SiC and ZrB2–SiC layers; the main aim is obtaining a structure which integrate the unique properties of these materials and potentially extent their application temperature range. Multilayer with ZrB2–SiC layers stacked in between SiC ones were successfully processed. Thin cracks propagated in the composite layers without affecting SiC ones; their formation was due to residual stresses developed in the two materials because of the differences in their shrinkage and coefficients of thermal expansion. However, these cracks did not significantly affect the material properties: relative density, elastic modulus and flexural strength of hybrid laminates was indeed only slightly lower than those of laminates made up of layers with the same composition.


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