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Statistics of charge carriers of quantum semiconductor film in the presence of strong lateral electrostatic field

  • Received: 07 January 2018 Accepted: 28 February 2018 Published: 22 March 2018
  • The influence of an external strong electrostatic field on the statistical characteristics of equilibrium free charge carriers in a quasi-two-dimensional structure is considered using an example of an InAs semiconductor quantum film. The analysis is carried out for the case when a strong quantization regime for charge carriers is realized in the film and only the first and second film sub-bands of their quantized motion are occupied. The general analytic expressions for the energy of the quantized motion of charge carriers in a film in the presence of a strong electrostatic field are given. An explicit dependence of the width of the band gap of the sample on the value of the external field is obtained. It is shown that with the increase in the external field, the width of band gap of the sample increases. The calculations and corresponding analytical expressions for the chemical potential, concentration, energy and heat capacity of free charge carriers of an InAs quantum film in the presence of a strong electrostatic field are also presented. It is shown that with an increase in the external electrostatic field, the chemical potential of the system retains its negative sign, but increases by the magnitude. For a given value of the external field, the chemical potential of the system increases linearly with the increase in temperature. It is shown that at a given temperature the carriers’ density decreases with the increase in the external field. At a fixed value of the field, the concentration increases with the increase in temperature. The behavior of the energy and heat capacity of the charge carriers is also determined by the same dependence on the temperature of the system and the magnitude of the external field. It is also shown that the main contribution to the indicated characteristics of the sample is made namely by the first filled sub-band of quantized motion of charge carriers. If the second sub-band is also filled, its contribution to the determination of the statistical characteristics of the sample is exponentially smaller than the contribution of the first filled sub-band.

    Citation: Volodya Harutyunyan. Statistics of charge carriers of quantum semiconductor film in the presence of strong lateral electrostatic field[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2018, 5(2): 257-275. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2018.2.257

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  • The influence of an external strong electrostatic field on the statistical characteristics of equilibrium free charge carriers in a quasi-two-dimensional structure is considered using an example of an InAs semiconductor quantum film. The analysis is carried out for the case when a strong quantization regime for charge carriers is realized in the film and only the first and second film sub-bands of their quantized motion are occupied. The general analytic expressions for the energy of the quantized motion of charge carriers in a film in the presence of a strong electrostatic field are given. An explicit dependence of the width of the band gap of the sample on the value of the external field is obtained. It is shown that with the increase in the external field, the width of band gap of the sample increases. The calculations and corresponding analytical expressions for the chemical potential, concentration, energy and heat capacity of free charge carriers of an InAs quantum film in the presence of a strong electrostatic field are also presented. It is shown that with an increase in the external electrostatic field, the chemical potential of the system retains its negative sign, but increases by the magnitude. For a given value of the external field, the chemical potential of the system increases linearly with the increase in temperature. It is shown that at a given temperature the carriers’ density decreases with the increase in the external field. At a fixed value of the field, the concentration increases with the increase in temperature. The behavior of the energy and heat capacity of the charge carriers is also determined by the same dependence on the temperature of the system and the magnitude of the external field. It is also shown that the main contribution to the indicated characteristics of the sample is made namely by the first filled sub-band of quantized motion of charge carriers. If the second sub-band is also filled, its contribution to the determination of the statistical characteristics of the sample is exponentially smaller than the contribution of the first filled sub-band.

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