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Present status and sustainable utilization of hydrothermal geothermal resources in Tianjin, China: a critical review

  • Received: 07 July 2023 Revised: 27 October 2023 Accepted: 16 November 2023 Published: 29 November 2023
  • Tianjin, as one of the pioneering and most prominent cities in China, has a long history of harnessing geothermal energy. The geothermal resource available in Tianjin is primarily characterized as a low- to medium-temperature hydrothermal geothermal resource. This manuscript introduces the ongoing status and potential of geothermal utilization in China, with a particular focus on the characteristics and utilization status of geothermal resources in Tianjin, China. Moreover, the relevant strategies and challenges for cost-efficient sustainable utilization of Tianjin geothermal resources are identified. The formation parameters of heat storage characteristics of Tianjin geothermal resources are also discussed. In addition, the key paths, guidelines and challenges on how to solve the obstacles related to the geothermal resources development in Tianjin are also suggested. The summarized results indicate that the geothermal reservoirs exploited in Tianjin vary greatly, which include sandstone of Neogene Minghuazhen formation, Guantao formation, Ordovician and Cambrian and carbonate of Proterozoic Wumishan formation. Most of the exploitative geothermal resources (146 geothermal wells) in Tianjin have mainly been produced from the Wumishan formation of the Jixian system and the Guantao formation of the Neogene system. The current production capacity has been doubled, and a two-stage cascade utilization system has been established, incorporating geothermal power generation and geothermal heating. The geothermal utilization share in Tianjin is estimated to be 81.66% for heating, 16.6% for domestic hot water and 1.35% for bathing. In conclusion, notwithstanding the diversity of geothermal resources in Tianjin, it is difficult to guarantee the sustainable development and utilization of geothermal resources in Tianjin due to the unreasonable layout of geothermal wells, imbalance of production and reinjection. Hence, the integration of distributed temperature sensing and distributed strain sensing monitoring demonstrates significant promise and effectiveness in tracking water circulation and detecting flow localization problems as dynamic monitoring processes and smart thermal response tests should be recommended and established as a substantial feature required in the future utilization and development of geothermal resources in Tianjin.

    Citation: Hongmei Yin, Mohamed E Zayed, Ahmed S Menesy, Jun Zhao, Kashif Irshad, Shafiqur Rehman. Present status and sustainable utilization of hydrothermal geothermal resources in Tianjin, China: a critical review[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2023, 9(4): 734-753. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2023039

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  • Tianjin, as one of the pioneering and most prominent cities in China, has a long history of harnessing geothermal energy. The geothermal resource available in Tianjin is primarily characterized as a low- to medium-temperature hydrothermal geothermal resource. This manuscript introduces the ongoing status and potential of geothermal utilization in China, with a particular focus on the characteristics and utilization status of geothermal resources in Tianjin, China. Moreover, the relevant strategies and challenges for cost-efficient sustainable utilization of Tianjin geothermal resources are identified. The formation parameters of heat storage characteristics of Tianjin geothermal resources are also discussed. In addition, the key paths, guidelines and challenges on how to solve the obstacles related to the geothermal resources development in Tianjin are also suggested. The summarized results indicate that the geothermal reservoirs exploited in Tianjin vary greatly, which include sandstone of Neogene Minghuazhen formation, Guantao formation, Ordovician and Cambrian and carbonate of Proterozoic Wumishan formation. Most of the exploitative geothermal resources (146 geothermal wells) in Tianjin have mainly been produced from the Wumishan formation of the Jixian system and the Guantao formation of the Neogene system. The current production capacity has been doubled, and a two-stage cascade utilization system has been established, incorporating geothermal power generation and geothermal heating. The geothermal utilization share in Tianjin is estimated to be 81.66% for heating, 16.6% for domestic hot water and 1.35% for bathing. In conclusion, notwithstanding the diversity of geothermal resources in Tianjin, it is difficult to guarantee the sustainable development and utilization of geothermal resources in Tianjin due to the unreasonable layout of geothermal wells, imbalance of production and reinjection. Hence, the integration of distributed temperature sensing and distributed strain sensing monitoring demonstrates significant promise and effectiveness in tracking water circulation and detecting flow localization problems as dynamic monitoring processes and smart thermal response tests should be recommended and established as a substantial feature required in the future utilization and development of geothermal resources in Tianjin.


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