Research article Special Issues

Network structure of urban digital financial technology and its impact on the risk of commercial banks

  • Received: 08 September 2022 Revised: 21 October 2022 Accepted: 24 October 2022 Published: 23 December 2022
  • In the context of the development of digital finance, the complexity of the network formed by urban digital financial technology has been deepening. Based on Chinese city data from 2010 to 2019, this paper conducts a dynamic evaluation of urban digital financial technology through grey target theory and uses social network analysis methods to study the network structure characteristics of urban digital financial technology and its impact on commercial bank risks. The study found that the spatial network of urban digital financial technology shows a trend of complexity and closeness, developed cities occupy a central position in the network of digital financial technology linkages and are net spillovers of urban digital financial technology. Further research on the impact of urban digital financial network structure on commercial bank risk found that both the overall network structure of urban digital financial technology and individual network structure have a significant inhibiting effect on commercial bank risk. Therefore, this paper focuses on the balanced development of digital financial technology in cities, while seeking to further exert the demonstration role of developed cities and achieve the reduction of risk level of commercial banks through the increase of overall network density and the decrease of network efficiency and network hierarchy.

    Citation: Jiaqi Chang, Xuhan Xu. Network structure of urban digital financial technology and its impact on the risk of commercial banks[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2022, 30(12): 4740-4762. doi: 10.3934/era.2022240

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  • In the context of the development of digital finance, the complexity of the network formed by urban digital financial technology has been deepening. Based on Chinese city data from 2010 to 2019, this paper conducts a dynamic evaluation of urban digital financial technology through grey target theory and uses social network analysis methods to study the network structure characteristics of urban digital financial technology and its impact on commercial bank risks. The study found that the spatial network of urban digital financial technology shows a trend of complexity and closeness, developed cities occupy a central position in the network of digital financial technology linkages and are net spillovers of urban digital financial technology. Further research on the impact of urban digital financial network structure on commercial bank risk found that both the overall network structure of urban digital financial technology and individual network structure have a significant inhibiting effect on commercial bank risk. Therefore, this paper focuses on the balanced development of digital financial technology in cities, while seeking to further exert the demonstration role of developed cities and achieve the reduction of risk level of commercial banks through the increase of overall network density and the decrease of network efficiency and network hierarchy.


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