On a model of COVID-19 dynamics

  • Received: 01 June 2020 Revised: 01 September 2020 Published: 19 October 2020
  • Primary:37B25, 92D30;Secondary:92D25

  • A model of COVID-19 in an interconnected network of communities is studied. This model considers the dynamics of susceptible, asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals, deceased but not yet buried people, as well as the dynamics of the virus or pathogen at connected nodes or communities. People can move between communities carrying the virus to any node in the region of $ n $ communities (or patches). This model considers both virus direct (person to person) and indirect (contaminated environment to person) transmissions. Using either matrix and graph-theoretic methods and some combinatorial identities, appropriate Lyapunov functions are constructed to study global stability properties of both the disease-free and the endemic equilibrium of the corresponding system of $ 5n $ differential equations.

    Citation: Jorge Rebaza. On a model of COVID-19 dynamics[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2021, 29(2): 2129-2140. doi: 10.3934/era.2020108

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  • A model of COVID-19 in an interconnected network of communities is studied. This model considers the dynamics of susceptible, asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals, deceased but not yet buried people, as well as the dynamics of the virus or pathogen at connected nodes or communities. People can move between communities carrying the virus to any node in the region of $ n $ communities (or patches). This model considers both virus direct (person to person) and indirect (contaminated environment to person) transmissions. Using either matrix and graph-theoretic methods and some combinatorial identities, appropriate Lyapunov functions are constructed to study global stability properties of both the disease-free and the endemic equilibrium of the corresponding system of $ 5n $ differential equations.


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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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