The global supersonic flow with vacuum state in a 2D convex duct

  • Received: 01 June 2020 Revised: 01 August 2020 Published: 23 September 2020
  • Primary: 35L70, 35L65, 35L67; Secondary: 76N15

  • This paper concerns the motion of the supersonic potential flow in a two-dimensional expanding duct. In the case that two Riemann invariants are both monotonically increasing along the inlet, which means the gases are spread at the inlet, we obtain the global solution by solving the problem in those inner and border regions divided by two characteristics in $ (x, y) $-plane, and the vacuum will appear in some finite place adjacent to the boundary of the duct. In addition, we point out that the vacuum here is not the so-called physical vacuum. On the other hand, for the case that at least one Riemann invariant is strictly monotonic decreasing along some part of the inlet, which means the gases have some local squeezed properties at the inlet, we show that the $ C^1 $ solution to the problem will blow up at some finite location in the non-convex duct.

    Citation: Jintao Li, Jindou Shen, Gang Xu. The global supersonic flow with vacuum state in a 2D convex duct[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2021, 29(2): 2077-2099. doi: 10.3934/era.2020106

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