Research article Special Issues

Stability of the standing waves of the concentrated NLSE in dimension two

  • Received: 10 January 2020 Accepted: 27 June 2020 Published: 13 July 2020
  • MSC : 35Q40, 35Q55

  • In this paper we will continue the analysis of two dimensional Schr?dinger equation with a fixed, pointwise, nonlinearity started in [2, 13]. In this model, the occurrence of a blow-up phenomenon has two peculiar features: the energy threshold under which all solutions blow up is strictly negative and coincides with the infimum of the energy of the standing waves; there is no critical power nonlinearity, i.e., for every power there exist blow-up solutions. Here we study the stability properties of stationary states to verify whether the anomalies mentioned before have any counterpart on the stability features.

    Citation: Riccardo Adami, Raffaele Carlone, Michele Correggi, Lorenzo Tentarelli. Stability of the standing waves of the concentrated NLSE in dimension two[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2021, 3(2): 1-15. doi: 10.3934/mine.2021011

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  • In this paper we will continue the analysis of two dimensional Schr?dinger equation with a fixed, pointwise, nonlinearity started in [2, 13]. In this model, the occurrence of a blow-up phenomenon has two peculiar features: the energy threshold under which all solutions blow up is strictly negative and coincides with the infimum of the energy of the standing waves; there is no critical power nonlinearity, i.e., for every power there exist blow-up solutions. Here we study the stability properties of stationary states to verify whether the anomalies mentioned before have any counterpart on the stability features.


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