Research article Special Issues

Innovation in craft beer packaging: Evaluation of consumer perception and acceptance

  • Received: 17 March 2020 Accepted: 27 July 2020 Published: 03 August 2020
  • Craft beer is an authentic product characterised by unique sensory features that distinguish it from industrially produced beers. The typical consumer also closely associates craft beers with the concept of traditional products, also in terms of consumption habits and the manner in which they are packaged. In this research, 482 beer consumers were interviewed face-to-face using a paper questionnaire during the Oktoberfest (Piedmont-Northwest Italy), a traditional beer festival that draws thousands of craft beer fans. Two consumer samples were defined on the basis of individual statements regarding their preferred method of beer packaging: The “traditional” consumer, loyal to the conventional beer packaging material (glass bottle) and the “innovative” consumer more inclined to packaging innovation (the use of aluminium cans). The preference scores towards beer attributes of the two identified samples were assessed using a 5-points Likert scale. In addition, the individual socio-demographic characteristics, together with craft beer consumption habits were recorded during the data collection phase. Significant differences between the two consumer samples were found using a non-parametric test; the Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon. In particular, traditional and innovative consumer groups expressed different preference levels towards beer clarity, colour, bitterness and body. For both samples, taste intensity resulted as the top attribute for beer evaluation, highlighting that, even when canned, the consumer is able to evaluate and appreciate the aromatic and quality characteristics of the product. Therefore, although glass remains the preferred packaging material for craft beer consumers, given the increasing acceptance of canned packaging by the traditional consumer, brewers could conceivably focus on canned product lines in order to exploit the inherent logistical and marketing advantages (i.e. graphical communications).

    Citation: Valentina Maria Merlino, Simone Blanc, Stefano Massaglia, Danielle Borra. Innovation in craft beer packaging: Evaluation of consumer perception and acceptance[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2020, 5(3): 422-433. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2020.3.422

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  • Craft beer is an authentic product characterised by unique sensory features that distinguish it from industrially produced beers. The typical consumer also closely associates craft beers with the concept of traditional products, also in terms of consumption habits and the manner in which they are packaged. In this research, 482 beer consumers were interviewed face-to-face using a paper questionnaire during the Oktoberfest (Piedmont-Northwest Italy), a traditional beer festival that draws thousands of craft beer fans. Two consumer samples were defined on the basis of individual statements regarding their preferred method of beer packaging: The “traditional” consumer, loyal to the conventional beer packaging material (glass bottle) and the “innovative” consumer more inclined to packaging innovation (the use of aluminium cans). The preference scores towards beer attributes of the two identified samples were assessed using a 5-points Likert scale. In addition, the individual socio-demographic characteristics, together with craft beer consumption habits were recorded during the data collection phase. Significant differences between the two consumer samples were found using a non-parametric test; the Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon. In particular, traditional and innovative consumer groups expressed different preference levels towards beer clarity, colour, bitterness and body. For both samples, taste intensity resulted as the top attribute for beer evaluation, highlighting that, even when canned, the consumer is able to evaluate and appreciate the aromatic and quality characteristics of the product. Therefore, although glass remains the preferred packaging material for craft beer consumers, given the increasing acceptance of canned packaging by the traditional consumer, brewers could conceivably focus on canned product lines in order to exploit the inherent logistical and marketing advantages (i.e. graphical communications).


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