Special Issue: Neuroinformatics and data analysis in the regulation of stress-related disorders
Guest Editor
Prof. Panagiotis Vlamos
Department of Informatics, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
Email: vlamos@ionio.gr
Manuscript Topics
Neuroinformatics and data analysis play significant roles in understanding and regulating stress-related disorders. Stress-related disorders involve complex interactions between the brain, behavior, and environmental factors. Neuroinformatics, which integrates neuroscience and information technology, provides tools and methods to collect, store, analyze, and interpret large-scale neurobiological data. Neuroinformatics and data analysis can contribute to the regulation of stress-related disorders in various ways.
Some proposed topics include but are not limited to:
• Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Stress-Related Disorders: Advances in Data Analysis Techniques
• Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Treatment Response in Stress-Related Disorders
• Integration of Multi-omics Data in Stress-Related Disorders: Challenges and Opportunities
• Network Analysis of Brain Connectivity in Stress-Related Disorders: Insights from Neuroinformatics
• Data-Driven Approaches for Personalized Medicine in Stress-Related Disorders
• Large-Scale Data Mining and Analysis of Stress-Related Disorders: Uncovering Novel Patterns and Mechanisms
• Role of Neuroinformatics in Identifying Genetic Markers Associated with Stress Vulnerability
• Neuroinformatics and Deep Learning: Applications in Understanding the Neurobiology of Stress
• Data Integration and Knowledge Graphs in Stress-Related Disorders: Advancing Precision Psychiatry
• Ethical Considerations in Neuroinformatics and Data Analysis of Stress-Related Disorders: Privacy, Consent, and Data Sharing
In summary, neuroinformatics and data analysis provide essential tools and methodologies for studying stress-related disorders. These approaches enable the integration and analysis of diverse datasets, facilitate the identification of biomarkers, improve understanding of brain circuitry, aid in personalized medicine, optimize treatment strategies, and support translational research efforts. By harnessing the power of neuroinformatics, researchers aim to advance the regulation and management of stress-related disorders, ultimately improving patient outcomes.
Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system
Paper Submission
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 December 2023