Research article

Phytochemical comparison with quantitative analysis between two flower phenotypes of Mentha aquatica L.: pink-violet and white

  • Received: 04 May 2017 Accepted: 07 August 2017 Published: 14 August 2017
  • In this work, the first phytochemical comparison performed on the polar fractions of two different phenotypes of Mentha aquatica L. having pink-violet and white flowers, is reported. This comparison was conducted through both a classical phytochemical analysis and a metabolomic one by means of spectroscopic and spectrometric approaches. Twenty-seven compounds were identified in both phenotypes. Most of them were evidenced in both. Anyway, all these compounds possess chemotaxonomic, pharmacological and nutritional value. In particular, one compound represents a new phytochemical for the species and two other compounds are new phytochemicals for the genus, instead. The results obtained allowed us to ascertain, from a phytochemical standpoint, that also this species can be used as possible medicinal plant like all the other species of this genus and as a source of important nutritional factors due to the presence of compounds with high nutritional properties.

    Citation: Alessandro Venditti, Claudio Frezza, Diana Celona, Fabio Sciubba, Sebastiano Foddai, Maurizio Delfini, Mauro Serafini, Armandodoriano Bianco. Phytochemical comparison with quantitative analysis between two flower phenotypes of Mentha aquatica L.: pink-violet and white[J]. AIMS Molecular Science, 2017, 4(3): 288-300. doi: 10.3934/molsci.2017.3.288

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  • In this work, the first phytochemical comparison performed on the polar fractions of two different phenotypes of Mentha aquatica L. having pink-violet and white flowers, is reported. This comparison was conducted through both a classical phytochemical analysis and a metabolomic one by means of spectroscopic and spectrometric approaches. Twenty-seven compounds were identified in both phenotypes. Most of them were evidenced in both. Anyway, all these compounds possess chemotaxonomic, pharmacological and nutritional value. In particular, one compound represents a new phytochemical for the species and two other compounds are new phytochemicals for the genus, instead. The results obtained allowed us to ascertain, from a phytochemical standpoint, that also this species can be used as possible medicinal plant like all the other species of this genus and as a source of important nutritional factors due to the presence of compounds with high nutritional properties.

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